Alrighty folks, It’s time to get good ol’ fashioned advice from the veterans here. Apparently Tren does not aromatize(convert to estrogen) and Masteron does the same thing it does not aromatize. Now I have been reading and people say that Tren suppresses your Test Levels any truth to this? Last question I have is, does Mast suppress your test levels like Tren and what can I do to stop/hinder the test suppressing properties of Tren. Lastly if you would like to tell me anything else about Tren and Mast that would be greatly appreciated and may stop me from doing the cycle.
P.S I have heard about the Tren sweats/sleep problems.
checkout “Anabolics” by William Llewellyn. HORRIBLE idea to run tren alone.
Estrogen side effects: While it may not aromatize, it binds to progesterone receptors mimicking estrogenic side effects such as mammary tissue growth(Gyno), supress endogenous testosterone production and enhanced rate of fat storage.
Androgen side effects: Male pattern baldness, Acne
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism(Shrinking of testicles, loss of sex drive, massive reductions in sperm count, impotence) All very bad stuff.
Hypogonadism can be permanent as well if care is not take and you could end up on ED drugs for the rest of your life. This stuff is nothing to play with. Serious time and research needs to go into AAS usage. There are side effect that can happen requiring medical intervention.
[quote]xhimsa12x wrote:
checkout “Anabolics” by William Llewellyn. HORRIBLE idea to run tren alone.
Estrogen side effects: While it may not aromatize, it binds to progesterone receptors mimicking estrogenic side effects such as mammary tissue growth(Gyno), supress endogenous testosterone production and enhanced rate of fat storage.
Androgen side effects: Male pattern baldness, Acne
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism(Shrinking of testicles, loss of sex drive, massive reductions in sperm count, impotence) All very bad stuff.
Hypogonadism can be permanent as well if care is not take and you could end up on ED drugs for the rest of your life. This stuff is nothing to play with. Serious time and research needs to go into AAS usage. There are side effect that can happen requiring medical intervention.[/quote]
Are you sure those side effects are 100% accurate because I looked at this website and it doesn’t mention even half of what you said. I’m not trying to argue against you or anything but I’m just wondering are you sure those side effects are real? No offense by the way.
If this is your first cycle you need to read alot more.
Tren is highly suppressive, whether it actually aromatises or not hardly matters, the role it plays within your body dictates what it will shut down. Just because something is not testosterone doesn’t mean it won’t halt the production of your testosterone.
It is one of the more potent steroids and as such has some pretty strong side effects.
You need to run some amount of test along with it or you will regret it, some like low test high tren, I prefer higher test moderate tren as I don’t care for the sides.
In fact I just finished a test/tren/mast cycle that I quite enjoyed. 650mg test/ 250mg tren/ 250mg mast per week split into everyday shots. (tren acetate should be shot ED IMO to keep blood levels constant as possible, reducing the likelihood of sides specifically mood swings for me)
Keep your serm, AI, and pct protocol. Oh and hcg, it helps quite a bit.
Nothing but BRO science there man. IMO that forum is garbage. They didn’t source any material used, I sourced mine. “Anabolics” William Llewellyn. Trust me buy this book, has lots of great info with science. Also take the time and read the entire post from Furious George in the beginners cycle post. Tren can be catastrophic on your endocrine system if you do not take the care to preserve your gonad’s and not letting your test levels be suppressed
[quote]c.m.l. wrote:
If this is your first cycle you need to read alot more.
Tren is highly suppressive, whether it actually aromatises or not hardly matters, the role it plays within your body dictates what it will shut down. Just because something is not testosterone doesn’t mean it won’t halt the production of your testosterone.
It is one of the more potent steroids and as such has some pretty strong side effects.
You need to run some amount of test along with it or you will regret it, some like low test high tren, I prefer higher test moderate tren as I don’t care for the sides.
In fact I just finished a test/tren/mast cycle that I quite enjoyed. 650mg test/ 250mg tren/ 250mg mast per week split into everyday shots. (tren acetate should be shot ED IMO to keep blood levels constant as possible, reducing the likelihood of sides specifically mood swings for me)
Keep your serm, AI, and pct protocol. Oh and hcg, it helps quite a bit.[/quote]
A question about HCG I heard this enables the Testicles to keep producing Testosterone is this true?
It stimulates the leydig cells of the testicles to produce testosterone by acting as leutinizing hormone. Too much can decrease your sensitivity to LH or suppress the secretion of LH from the HPTA.
Are you fucking kidding me? 40 second intro with sound effects of explosions, followed by a brief power point of useless-bro science, concluded by dudes flexing to techno music whose physiques could be attributed to literally anything and probably everything.
“[…] unlike test which the higher you use, the nastier you look.” Who buys into this shit?
That was the sorriest, least informative video I have ever seen, if this type of drivel is where you are getting your information from or in any way appeals to you, then you are in no way ready (or probably intelligent enough) for responsible steroid use. Please reconsider or spend a lot more time reading SCIENTIFIC material or at the least lots of experienced testimony. I’m serious, it is for your own protection.
[quote]c.m.l. wrote:
For real, some kid cooking steer pellets put together this shit to dupe suckers into buying his shitty products. Well done, it worked on this guy.[/quote]
I’m not going to start pinning Tren after watching that video, that is why I came to you guys to see if that video was all useless bro science. I got the whats up here now I am a bit more weary into what I should be doing.
Edit: It’s the body dysmorphia blues I’m tellin ya, I feel so below average so thats why I even started this thread about the Tren and Masteron cycle but whatever I will have my time I still gotta wait a few years.
You are hardly alone in that, and its a shame that there is both legal and illegal industries that thrive on the premise of body dismorphia but if you take home anything let it be this.
If your diet and training suck, then drugs wont help you. Sure you may luck out and not damage your body but your training philosophy will suffer.
You will love the effects which will be utterly fleeting, and assume that they are the key piece to the puzzle as you have yet to figure out the previous two. They are not, they are only an enhancement.
They do much of much what is claimed, but not to the degree you may expect as you may one day discover. The people in that video have years worth of training/dietary expertise and more than likely a long history of serious steroid use.
You must understand how the body works to train and eat effectively and so much more so if you plan on tinkering with yourself.