I have a few questions about the side effects of test and tren. I have used tren before and experienced really none at all. But I’m about to do a cycle stacking it with test. Can anyone out there give me any information on some common side effects of this combination, especially any long tern reproductive effects. I have pct so I’m not too worried, but any extra info will help.
Also, is tren more of a growth hormone than a steroid. Everything I’ve read about it says its you basic steroid, yet never converts to excess estrogen, but I’ve heard people refer to it as more of a hgh. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.
[quote]c/j wrote:
I have a few questions about the side effects of test and tren. I have used tren before and experienced really none at all. But I’m about to do a cycle stacking it with test. Can anyone out there give me any information on some common side effects of this combination, especially any long tern reproductive effects. I have pct so I’m not too worried, but any extra info will help.
Also, is tren more of a growth hormone than a steroid. Everything I’ve read about it says its you basic steroid, yet never converts to excess estrogen, but I’ve heard people refer to it as more of a hgh. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks.[/quote]
Tren isn’t more of a hgh than a steroid. Other than the regular sides from tren and test like gyno(depending on how much test you run), edema, acne, etc, you will probably get very strong on this cycle. Almost too strong. Over the past 6 months or so, I know of 3 people directly who have torn a pec while running test/tren.
Over on anabolicminds somebody recently posted an article written by some European author and he says that for their cycles, tren is the base of every cycle and that test is rarely used as test has a tendency to amplify the side effects of whatever you’re taking with it. For example, right now I’m on a tren-only cycle and I love it, no side effects at all, not even tren-dick. Now I’ve never done a tren/test cycle but after reading the article it sorta makes sense why I’m not feeling any sides.
It was a really interesting article and made me think about why most guys do what they do. PM me and I’ll send you a link to it.