Anyone have any experience with this ester?i know its suppose to be the slowest of the 3. if so what was your dosing protocol/opinion on its effectiveness compared to any of the other esters? i can get this for very cheap, thats why i ask.


I wouldn’t run hex if it is you first time with tren. The half life is extremely long, and if you experience bad side-effects it will take several weeks to get the stuff out of your system.

If you have tried tren before and it has not produced any bad sides, hex will probably work pretty well. the ester is just so long acting, that it will be hard to match it up with a testosterone ester that will be of similar length. There are some extremely long estered tests out there, but they could be pretty difficult to find nowadays.

How much longer is it compared to something like a cypionate ester?

About twice as long as the cyp and enanthate esters.


Thanks RJ
ya sounds like sumthing that wouldnt be ideal for my cycle, i will prob just stick with acetate. curious, what would a cycle using Hex consist of…? what type of test, how long? sounds like an ideal compound for people who run test year long…

[quote]sota123 wrote:
Thanks RJ
ya sounds like sumthing that wouldnt be ideal for my cycle, i will prob just stick with acetate. curious, what would a cycle using Hex consist of…? what type of test, how long? sounds like an ideal compound for people who run test year long…[/quote]

I believe it is called Test undecanoate, but I am not sure. Stack that with hex, and you would only have to inject once about every 10 days or so.

Altered State would probably know the name of the ester, but I think I got it right.

It is Undec. You are right… Altered and I have had a conversation about it recently actually.

Once weekly injections would still be good for good blood levels though OP… 10 days if fine, but the more often the better.

[quote] Brook wrote:
It is Undec. You are right… Altered and I have had a conversation about it recently actually.

Once weekly injections would still be good for good blood levels though OP… 10 days if fine, but the more often the better.[/quote]

With an ester that has a half-life as long as undecanoate, it’s dabbling in minutia whether to inject E10D, or 1X/week.

[quote]AlteredState wrote:
sota123 wrote:
Anyone have any experience with this ester?i know its suppose to be the slowest of the 3. if so what was your dosing protocol/opinion on its effectiveness compared to any of the other esters? i can get this for very cheap, thats why i ask.

How will you know whether this is the real deal and not tren enan being passed off as something else?[/quote]

On these lines, is there any type of test that could determine the ester of the drug? Merely curious, all my shits labeled correctly, finally.

[quote]AlteredState wrote:
sota123 wrote:
Anyone have any experience with this ester?i know its suppose to be the slowest of the 3. if so what was your dosing protocol/opinion on its effectiveness compared to any of the other esters? i can get this for very cheap, thats why i ask.

How will you know whether this is the real deal and not tren enan being passed off as something else?[/quote]

Well, unless my buddies powder source is bunk which i highly doubt b/c its coming from a very reputable source that many people on here use…then i would be screwed, but im highly confident that its g2g…2 of the tren acetate cycles that ive done were from that same source and the 3rd one was from pellets the pellets seemed to give me more problems w/gyno symptoms than the powders did.I watched him brew it along with a few other things.
either way this doesnt sound like sumthing i would take, i was just curious to learn more about it.

[quote]2thepain wrote:
AlteredState wrote:
sota123 wrote:
Anyone have any experience with this ester?i know its suppose to be the slowest of the 3. if so what was your dosing protocol/opinion on its effectiveness compared to any of the other esters? i can get this for very cheap, thats why i ask.

How will you know whether this is the real deal and not tren enan being passed off as something else?

On these lines, is there any type of test that could determine the ester of the drug? Merely curious, all my shits labeled correctly, finally.[/quote]

If it is already in solution, it will be pretty much impossible without a lot of work, and time.

If it is in powder form, a melting point test can be performed fairly easily.

I have only seen this ester in powder - i havent seen it in a ‘ready to inject’ form…

There is andriol of course though…

I had a vial of undec sent to me right before Christmas 06, as I was headig to Mexico, and was worried I might crash while on vacation.

It was ready to inject.

If Hex being hexadrobencylcarbonic acid, it is the same as Enanthate… 7 Carbons ester. Longest carbon out there I believe is Laurate, which is one longer than Undecanoate.

[quote]iannotti wrote:
If Hex being hexadrobencylcarbonic acid, it is the same as Enanthate… 7 Carbons ester.[/quote]

Not really. At least not according to Llewellyn.