[quote]jj128 wrote:
ddrrtt wrote:
Hello to all, and thanks for the feedback.
end of week 4.
tired, very tired. the melatonin is not helping me this week to get to sleep.
cough got so bad, had to go in to see Doctor.
White count was 1800, normal is 900, exray showed upper lung, and bronci infection. dont think the Tren is the fault, had a cough before i started. Do think it is possible it exaserbated it. On antibotic now.
Still doing 75ed, “150 on chest day” (personal experiment)
Breathing improved. Went back to Dr, young guy, really believes in med’s. got some Codine “for cough”, “lol”, also will help me sleep he said. Will try it tonight.
Really nice guy.
Still advancing in lift poundages. It sorta scares me. I have never adavnced so fast. With “Smith Machine” I am now shrugging 1010, and bench is 445 for 3rps now.
Triceps I do 400 by placing a olyimpic dumbell on a 250 lb rack,(the fly/cable crossover machine) and place 6-25 discs on it. can do 5 rps 3 sets.
2 months ago, I could barily do 250 for 5.
arms wake me in the middle of the night. cramping like calves use to. pecks start twitching, wakes me too.
woundering if maybe i need more minerials in suppliments.
Still, I love Tren/Fina!
If the codine will help me sleep, I will be ok. the cramping and twitching I can live with, but a guy has to get some sleep.
some people in the gym avoid me now. I am getting a little edgy. Shit though, I hate waiting for (homesteaders) to stop “visiting” and get their sets done. especailly middle age women.two or three will get around a machie, and take turns using it, but have to visit inbetween their sets too.
sorry, I guess i am just going on. just finished workout,
I think it is time for a little “Jameson”
end of June will be 8 wks, will break then for 6 to 8.
Tren still rocks.
Why bother with all the smith and cable machines? Stacking dumbells and plates. Nonsense! How can you not deadlift, squat, and do other crazy barbell variations while on gear? It’s the best way to Grow!
Another thing, you’re on juice that makes you aggressive, your drinking whiskey on the job. No wonder people are getting shot and tazered to death. [/quote]
I like variety. And the shots are only occasonially. Yes I carry, but my jobs primarially indirect contact with the public.
But if I were to shoot someone, they will have earned it.
And I don’t even like Tazers.