Tren Cycle Only

This is my third cycle. First was test alone. Second was Test with Tren “transdermally”. This time I was able to acquire kits, and syringes and brewed my own.

First cycle was HRT Test.

Second time was HRT too, but I boosted it up abit with Tren.

But WOW what a difference pinning it. DAM. What a waste transdermal is. Although pinning ones self the first time is a story in itself.

Been lifting now for 27 years. Bench is currently 405 to 430 on a good day, Deadlift is 600, Squat is 540.

Starting second week. Can’t believe the strength, and growth already.

Doing 75 ED. I find that it is a bit rough the first 4 days, but then I peaked, and seems better then EOD. Seemed to have alot more emo probs before when i did EOD (up & downs). Now I do get edgy, but I seem to be able to catch myself easyer this time. Sleeping is asssisted with melatonin.

I am 52, and the wife has been in midlife for 5 years now. She is crazy as a loon. And swear to god if it wasn’t for my kids I would have killed the bitch.

Warning to all, if your wives think they want to go aunatural during menopause,


Make them see a doctor, and get medications

Anyway havn’t seen pussy in over 5 years, So kinda got to the point where I don’t really miss it, and don’t really care if the “Vlad the Impailer” doesn’t work for a while.

I am going to enjoy all the Glorious Benifits of Tren,

Fuck it, “Vlad” will come back when he feels like it.

Right now i am planing a 8 week cycle. then will see how I feel if I will go further to 12.

But DAM, Tren “Rocks”

Given the specifics of your circumstances than sure tren only is less of a threat to your lifestyle than most of the readers out there. Having said that even without a sex life test certainly can and will boost your tren cycle. Also just be prepared. I know you said 5 years but running tren at 75mg ED for 8-12 weeks could take you a super long time to bounce back from depending on how you come off/down.

I would do test too if I could get some. the first and second was through a MRT clinic. and I can’t afford that this time.

Main problem for me is getting a “SOURCE”.

I work in law enforcement and when i try to hook up they find out what i do, and will not talk to me again, or sell to me. they are afraid i am undercover probably.

"Not True, “Cops have the best dope.”

So I either “brew” my own, or go through HRT clinics $$.

Caught a lot of shit when I did HRT clinic. Alot of ignorance too with the persons I work with, and for.

Felt I was circumnavigating the rules where I work.

Appreciate your feed back. After three weeks, if all is well, may move up a “little” (75-ED to 100-ED), will see then.

[quote]ddrrtt wrote:
I would do test too if I could get some. the first and second was through a MRT clinic. and I can’t afford that this time.

Main problem for me is getting a “SOURCE”.

I work in law enforcement and when i try to hook up they find out what i do, and will not talk to me again, or sell to me.[/quote]

Ever heard the story of the scorpion that wanted to cross the river. He convinces a nice little rabbit to take him on his back. The rabbit thinks well maybe I shouldn’t cause your going to sting me and kill me. The scorpion says nooooo we will both die if I did that. Half way across the river the rabbit gets stung anyway.

Thats how sources feel about cops. You seem like good people but when it comes down to it, its a head ache not worth getting into.

Why would anyone source you? Thats like covering yourself in gas and playing with a lighter.

Oh I know, and hold no hard feeling toward any of them. It is why I have to brew my own, and work with Just Tren/Fina. Can’t afford the HRT clinics all the time.

It seems that the only testing they do on us is for opates, & Test/Deca for steroids.

I guess Fina/Tren is not caught on those steroids tests.

When I was in HRT clinic it was prescribed so they could not do a thing except bitch at me about “How it looks to the public” ? Piss on the public. They do not know if I am getting HR therapy, and don’t need to know.

Half of the department I work with are boarderline Alcoholics, or morbidly obease from Dunkin Donutes anyway.

It is just right now Steroids are the “Flavor of the Month” in the news.

Have researched Test converting, not sure about it yet. The idea of using “Red Devil lye”, and “HEET” fluid in the conversion makes me nervous. Still researching, when I feel convertable, then I may try it.

For now though alone is fine with me.

I’ve seen plenty of cops at Gold’s that without a doubt, had to be on gear.

You have a good attitude. Good luck.

LOL @ “Anyway havn’t seen pussy in over 5 years, So kinda got to the point where I don’t really miss it, and don’t really care if the “Vlad the Impailer” doesn’t work for a while.”

I wouldnt use Test on cycle then, as for me personally I get so horny it becomes an unwanted side effect! I become a walking sex addict. Let’s just say my GF can’t do it all. In your case it would be atrocious.

BUT, you could do a Test taper afterwards, or otherwise you’ll crash hard and for a loooong time. 8 weeks of Tren is very suppresive, and at your age the recovery is probably a lot tougher.

Personally as an on line judge and an indivigual who has been put in cuff’s more times than i can count!

I still say good luck!

Hell a good friend of mine is a cop he’s currently running some winny himself!

hahahaha haven’t seen pussy in 5 years, so fuck the decrease in libido hahahahaha.

ddrrtt without doubt or question countless LE personnel on geared up. I’m one of them too. There are more anonymous sources e.g. the Internet. Test is far and away the easiest thing to get. If you can get tren which IMO is one of the toughest and rarest you certainly can get test.

Have you ever converted “Test” from the pellets? I have done test through HRT, but the second time the department made a “big” deal becaue I lift and was doing test. Anyway your are right, would like to try test but double the dose I had from the clinic.

[quote]B101 wrote:
hahahaha haven’t seen pussy in 5 years, so fuck the decrease in libido hahahahaha.[/quote]

I think the concern is getting back your normal test production.

Pellet conversion is certainly a viable option.

It’s somewhat difficult to get sodium tert-butylate, the chemical that salts the estrogen out, especially post operation raw deal, so look into Dazed selective re-crystalization to find the appropriate method. Use single closed end capillary tubes to perform the melting point test for purity and invest the money in an inexpensive lab thermometer with 1 degree increments. Also, expect to lose ~50% during purification.

There is some evidence that finasteride will result in a negative steroid test and it is relatively easy to get from a doctor.

Hello All

End of week 3 of “Tren Only”. Tight, very tight all over. Swear to god I felt growth at day 4.
Sleeping is not best, but “Melatonin” really does help. Not sure, but I do think I am probably working out a little harder, usually do when I cycle.

Joints, knees, shoulders very achy.

Arms and shoulders VERY noticable. Many where I work out at that would never cycle, I think are wondering about me.
Growth is amazing.

I was edgy at day 4 through 8, then it seemed to mellow. Now am getting edgy again. Usually take shot at work around 830am. by 1030 I have to down 2 shots of “Jameson” gets me through the morning. Try to avoid agravating situations the rest of the day.

I do so look forward to workouts. Each time I go, I increase at least 5lbs all lifts. Bench up to 430. The shoulder machine i use “Naultlas” laterials, I warm up with the whole rack now of 210, increase it by placing dumb bells on the rack, up to 250 for 3.

I do look forward to workouts, but god afterwards I am a criple. Crawl home, drown in a tub of hot hot water, and salts. Next morning, can hardly brush teeth.

But so far, growth really surprises me, and at my age too.

I am still shooting for 8 to 12 weeks of just Tren. Will keep all informed, then will see how recovery goes. drt

Tren Rocks

[quote]ddrrtt wrote:
Hello All

End of week 3 of “Tren Only”. Tight, very tight all over. Swear to god I felt growth at day 4.
Sleeping is not best, but “Melatonin” really does help. Not sure, but I do think I am probably working out a little harder, usually do when I cycle.

Joints, knees, shoulders very achy.

Arms and shoulders VERY noticable. Many where I work out at that would never cycle, I think are wondering about me.
Growth is amazing.

I was edgy at day 4 through 8, then it seemed to mellow. Now am getting edgy again. Usually take shot at work around 830am. by 1030 I have to down 2 shots of “Jameson” gets me through the morning. Try to avoid agravating situations the rest of the day.

I do so look forward to workouts. Each time I go, I increase at least 5lbs all lifts. Bench up to 430. The shoulder machine i use “Naultlas” laterials, I warm up with the whole rack now of 210, increase it by placing dumb bells on the rack, up to 250 for 3.

I do look forward to workouts, but god afterwards I am a criple. Crawl home, drown in a tub of hot hot water, and salts. Next morning, can hardly brush teeth.

But so far, growth really surprises me, and at my age too.

I am still shooting for 8 to 12 weeks of just Tren. Will keep all informed, then will see how recovery goes. drt

Tren Rocks[/quote]

I’m in my 40s too. The achy joints might be from lack of estrogen. E is required for proper joint maintenance. Tren will suppress you and will not convert to estrogens what so ever. In men estrogen comes about from conversion of test through aromatase mostly in adipose tissues. Currently, you have very low test and thus very low estrogen leading to the painful joints at least in part. That is one problem with tren only cycles. If you have some you might administer 250 mg of test at least once every 2 weeks to give yourself some correction.

Honestly, working on that, but due to my position, very difficult to get a source, unless it is through an HRT clinic. And right now, I can not afford that.
For now, I take very hot and long salty baths, and rub alot of DMSO into my elbows, and knees.

Hit the internet bodybuilding forum sites and eventually you will get a good idea of who you can puchase from. I would try a couple of online sources. Test is cheap.

Been on tren for four weeks and two days now, alone(75mg/day) and none of these sides are apparent. The only thing that happened was I got some gyno right out of the gate. Like in the first ten days but I have gotten some arimidex(I know everyone will now say arimidex does not work for gyno produced by fina) however after two weeks on the arimidex gyno is about gone. I think a lot of people get themselves all amped up to get sides. Like the guys that says he needs two shots of jameson to get through the day. I am always a calm guy and I am a calm guy on anabolics also. I think that a lot of this shit is in your heads.

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Joe with all due respect. You dont know any different.

You are a calm guy and calm on AAS… I am too… but i have to try. So so hard - it takes all of my effort, i like the internet because i can get angry and practice not typing it, or type something and delete it (just like i am doing to you actually).

i have to avoid ANY confrontation in the slightest. I know i am incapable of reason if i get into the wrong situation, so i keep myself to myself. I would never, EVER use testosterone if i am near my wife. It is that bad.
I may seem more stable on AAS due to the fact i will avoid all issues like this.
That is not the case, and i am only using test currently. No tren, no halo… 500g of test.

Different drugs affect different people in different ways - it is offensive to say “its all in your head” well… anger is all in everyones head, but i feel it in my stomach, heart… buzzing around the back of my eyes typing this to you… it is a matter of personality.
I am different to you - that doesnt mean it is imagined. Psychological? Definitely, imaginary? No.

Just respect the fact that people are different, and i respect that cop for at least trying to control himself. it must be one of the hardest things to feel so motherfucking-dripping in blood-angry and be able to carry a gun.
Respect. i could not do it.

As for the adex, it didnt do shit to the tren, it removed any excess estrogen that the progesteone was agonising


Joeblow strikes again!
