This is my third cycle. First was test alone. Second was Test with Tren “transdermally”. This time I was able to acquire kits, and syringes and brewed my own.
First cycle was HRT Test.
Second time was HRT too, but I boosted it up abit with Tren.
But WOW what a difference pinning it. DAM. What a waste transdermal is. Although pinning ones self the first time is a story in itself.
Been lifting now for 27 years. Bench is currently 405 to 430 on a good day, Deadlift is 600, Squat is 540.
Starting second week. Can’t believe the strength, and growth already.
Doing 75 ED. I find that it is a bit rough the first 4 days, but then I peaked, and seems better then EOD. Seemed to have alot more emo probs before when i did EOD (up & downs). Now I do get edgy, but I seem to be able to catch myself easyer this time. Sleeping is asssisted with melatonin.
I am 52, and the wife has been in midlife for 5 years now. She is crazy as a loon. And swear to god if it wasn’t for my kids I would have killed the bitch.
Warning to all, if your wives think they want to go aunatural during menopause,
Make them see a doctor, and get medications
Anyway havn’t seen pussy in over 5 years, So kinda got to the point where I don’t really miss it, and don’t really care if the “Vlad the Impailer” doesn’t work for a while.
I am going to enjoy all the Glorious Benifits of Tren,
Fuck it, “Vlad” will come back when he feels like it.
Right now i am planing a 8 week cycle. then will see how I feel if I will go further to 12.
But DAM, Tren “Rocks”