Hey guys I am pretty new to all of this and just looking for some input. I am 33 and running my first cycle ever. I started with test 250mg/ every 4 days and after one month of that added Tren 100 mg/ every 2 days so basically I alternate between the test and tren and straight tren. I have been on this cycle 5 weeks and have about 1-2 weeks before I drop the tren and run straight test for 4 weeks in a slightly decreasing dose (250-200mgs every 4 days), at which point I will stack Mast for a month, pyramid 100mg up to 200mg, one push every 4 days for 4 weeks and taper off with just test.
My PCT is Nolvadex and Clomid, fairly standard dosage. I have seen pretty amazing results so far (almost 100lbs added to my flat bench reps in about 2 months!) The side effects have been fairly manageable up until this point (minor mood swings, manageable rage, severe oily skin and acne, starting to notice some pretty pronounced shrinkage and a bit of ed…not terrible just not rock freaking hard like the first half of the cycle).
What is worrisome is that I am noticing some sensitivity in my nips and a bit of water retention. Wondering if I need to add some kind of aromatase inhibitor or estrogen blocker while on cycle. One of my friends said I should start the nolvadex now and run that 2 weeks but Id prefer to keep that for my pct as I want to squeeze what I can out of this cycle. Any tips are greatly appreciated. My protein intake is good, close to 2 grams per pound, running animal paks for vitamins, fish oil, milk thistle, very little creatine in my preworkout.
I’ll get suggestions started. IMO, you have two going onward choices.
- Add some Nolvadex
- Drop some testosterone
Also, beware the rapid increase in strength. Muscles can grow faster in strength than the ligaments and tendons can adapt to support the additional load. Injuries might become a significant variable in your quest to size and power.
No need to pyramid gear up and down. The esters will take care of that for you. IMO you should only be running test your first cycle to see how you respond. I would not add in the mast. You should be running bloodwork to see where you are for estrogen. I wouldn’t just start throwing an AI in just because your nips itch. Is there a lump?
Bloodwork on e2 and prolactin. Then act accordingly to which one is elevated. Some AI if its e2 or caber if its prolactin.
Lol at tren on first cycle and wants to pyramid… Classy.
Good luck bro
Though the OP didn’t mention how long or proficient he is at weight training, and it also would have been nice to how know how much he could bench press x number of reps, but considering he is 33 years old, I sorta like the fact that if he was in for a dime, he is in for a dollar. Might as well find out if you can tolerate AAS usage, or not.
All that said, the AAS user must accept the harvest that he sowed. Both the good and the bad. And if he is a man of integrity, he will be gracious with either or both outcomes.
Hey thanks for responding man…I am definitely wary of injuries and have always stayed away from trying to train to heavy. I try for good form, less weight, 8-10 reps to failure and consider that lifting heavy. I dont need to see how much weight i can lift once or twice and possibly get hurt to stroke my ego or whatever. Any advice you guys got is greatly appreciated. Like dosage, frequency, duration.
What would you do? And can you throw me some numbers? Dose, frequency, duration if you ran the nolvadex or like what would u lower test to? Thanks man really appreciate any advice you can give or knowledge you can share.
Where/ how do you get bloodwork done?
^ doesn’t show prolactin, but it will show estrogens. if your E2 is out of whack, then you could somewhat assume your prolactin is okay. Of course, if you get your E2 under control and still have issues, then test prolactin.
(or just search this site for prolactin testing).
NOTE: Some states don’t allow you to order your own bloodwork. If you are in one of these states, you’ll have a hard time getting labwork done.
In any clinic, just walk in, say what u wanna check and you get the results within 6 hours.