Ok, I have searched the forum and learned alot about tren lately, BUT I m wondering how you would run recovery. I know tren doesnt aromatize, but it fucks up your T levels big time ( even though tren freak seems to not feel the effects). I am guessing HGC throughout because I know your nutts go on vacation fast on this drug. After you stop your cycle, would clomid be appropriate since there is no estrogen build up? I am guessing clomid would help stimulate Natural Test, but tren just seems unique compared to other drugs.
Also I read most people inject 75mg ED, but could you get away with just 50mg EOD because it is 3 to 4 times more anabolic than test? What is Tren’s half life?
Also, is it hard on the kidneys or isn’t it? I know farmers give it to cattle about 63 days before slaughter with no regards to their health.
Propecia while on? I also read the sides of Tren are exaggerated, but fuck it, I am not finding out the hard way.
Any feedback or Tren stories are appreciated. Alot of questions…I know,I know, but if its a problem, u can blow me.
i would suggest running some test with your tren versus just a tren only cycle. even if its just prop at 50-75mgs/ed. as far as suppression. yes it is highly suppressive but nothing unbearable as compared to other drugs. hcg throughout with clomid post will do just fine. tren is not 17aa and there is nothing more then rumor to support the charges that it is hard on the liver or kidney’s. i have exibited none of those charges and have used tren extensively. the studies showing it was hard on livestock was a study of fina pellet injection which is in another world from humans injecting the trenbolone acetate chemical extracted from the fina. as far as humans have shown it is no more toxic then other steroids such as test, deca, or eq. the half life is 24-48 hours. i would suggest doing ed injections. i only do ed injections with tren and i will swear by it. not to mention most site injections will only hold 1cc which is perfect for daily shots. tren is nector from the gods bro. just relax and cross over to the dark side already. its time for you to grow.
I agree with drago on everything. but, I think I tend to recover a bit slower when using tren. My last cycle I didnt use tren and recovered very fast. the cycle before it used tren and the recovery was slower. but anything could have affected it. blood pressure stayed fine, as did all other values. My next cycle will definitely have tren in it, at either 75 or 100mg/ed. I will start making it in a few weeks when I finally get my own place. cant wait to play chemist. You will not fully understand how awesome tren is till you do a cycle without it. The pumps are not even close with anything else, as well as the veins and overall sense of well being. Strength are also far superior.
“I am guessing HGC throughout because I know your nutts go on vacation fast on this drug”
1st of all please call it by its proper name hcg. secondly persoanlly i have done a few tren cycles never have my nuts gone south. note: test was not a part of these cycles.
“After you stop your cycle, would clomid be appropriate since there is no estrogen build up?”
i have come off with clomid and tribex and recovered very quickly. i maintained all of my size and strength. the only thing i lost was the vascularity.
"Also What is Tren’s half life?
2-3 days
“most people inject 75mg ED, but could you get away with just 50mg EOD because it is 3 to 4 times more anabolic than test?”
i have done tren only at 50mg per day and got rock solid and vascular as all hell. i was cutting and actually put on a substantial amount of size and strength. inject ed.
“Also, is it hard on the kidneys or isn’t it?”
not that i am aware of.
“Propecia while on?”
if you have it, take it. however hair loss from tren is not dht related so peopecia would not help in this respect. that said i am prone to mpb and tren has not increased this probalem at all.
other than that i think its a great drug. i am not all that experienced with other drugs but i do love tren. cheap as hell, doesnt aromatize, and makes you hard as a rock with veins like a roadmap. never had any side effects whatsoever of any kind.
I am not concerned with “veins” or “pumps” boys. If i wanted a feel good drug I would do coke or smoke weed. I want freaky mass.
Tren sounds like It can add some quality mass.
Hey, does anyone know how it effects he ligaments? ( i don’t believe I saw it on the “AAS and tendon thread”)
Every other day is not unheard of with tren but I would highly reccomend that you bump up the dosage to 100mg’s if you decide to take that route. This is not a big deal as 1cc of trenfactor’s gear has 100mg’s anyhow. We all believe in stable blood levels around here though, and you get use to injecting fast. EOD isnt much different than ED in that respect. Both are a pain in the ass. The other boys are right, no DHT in tren, no Flutamide. However, topical spironolactane would do the trick. I’ve never had joint problems either, even in conjuction with winny… but that’s just me.
Furthermore, you can’t say that this drug is any harder on your balls than any other drug. HEAR ME OUT!!! When your balls stop working, they atrophy. It’s just that simple. Tren, due to its extremely androgenic activity, will shut you down faster than an equal amount of other androgens. You will therefore be in a state of atrophy for longer. There is a common statistic that tren is 3 times as androgenic as test… well if you are running 300mgs/week of tren, you will not be shut down any faster or slower than 900mgs of test just because you are using tren which is “hard on the boys”. Most people run 75mg to 100mg every day of tren. Well if you are running 100mg/day that’s 700mg/week. You would theoretically need 2100mg of test to shut you down as fast, an amount that almost no one uses. The point I am trying to make is, it’s not the drug itself… it’s the androgenic activity. ANYTHING can shut you down as hard as tren provided you take enough of it.