Hey everybody,
I know this has been covered somewhat already here, but not pertaining to canada specifically. I’m going to be travelling within canada on friday and i was wondering what everybody thought about packing insulin syringes preloaded with tren. There would be 9 of them. The fine little needles i can’t imagine would set off a metal detector if i were to carry them on my person, but i’m thinking more about just tossing them in my shaving kit. Security is not anywhere near as tight in canada, they don’t x-ray baggage, the just randomly pull you aside and search it(and not extremely thoroughly because i’ve been searched before), but these people dont know that steroids look different from insulin, i doubt any of them even know what insulin looks like.
Guess it would be my luck though that the one time i try to move something i might get in trouble for that i get searched and get the one prick inspector who knows exactly what i’m up to.
I guess the other option is mailing, but i’d like to avoid that if possible. And does anybody think the pressure change at altitude would be sufficient to unload the syringes?
I guess the other option would be to carry them on me in my pants with the pins right behind my belt buckle.
Anybody have any thoughts or is this just a dumb idea?