Thanks Mitchelha! I’ll def keep my eye out on you too. 
First thing’s first: HAPPY FREAKING NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Bringing in positive vibes and LASTING happiness!
Back to the program:
Day 6: Woosh…
After taking the EC stack (ephedrine/caffiene 20mg/100mg) and peeing like a race horse, my morning weigh in: 167.4. Pretty sweet.
The highlight of my NYE was the scheduled 5hr refeed. It was glorious. While I was shopping for food, I couldn’t help but drool. But I ate too much… a little uncomfortable but the stares and the food was so worth it.
The refeed, all homemade:
Sweet potato with pla tu (mackeral) chili paste
French Toast w/ ham topped with ricotta cheese and lemon curd. (ok not the curd or the cheese… but I only had 5 hours!)
Red Curry Chicken w/ veg and udon noodles
cucumber and long bean salad
rice pudding with FF greek yogurt, a whole orange and 1cu strawberries
4 steamed corn fritters (thai style) with sweet chili sauce
With 5 mins left to spare, Aloe Kiwi juice with coconut milk
And I still under ate carbs. MY friends were amazed that will so much food, I didn’t eat enough. One of them was a big dude too!
Next time, more condensed liquids.
The workout before the feast was tough. In hindsight, I should have done it in between the refeed like the book suggested.
Push Press:1x2x100 New exercise so didn’t expect much from it. It was good for the shoulder tho. The eccentric portion really worked the stability of my right shoulder. (I will go a bit lighter after RFL)
Deadlift: 3x1x225, 1x4x185.** (straps were a pain… I will learn to use them after RFL)
Bench 1x2x115, 1x8x95 pretty hard… could not pause.
Weighted decline cruches 2x8x25#
**Being this carb depleted showed in my dl. My butt kept shooting up in the air so I kept it lower wt. The good new I found a potentially new training buddy. This dude is so humble and his DL is FLAWLESS and has been training for abt 1yr. He learned from Youtube Vids and a one time critique from a PL’er. So jelly… I have been doing it for months and it’s still awkward. BUT, I can help him squat. His squat is like my dl, it’s safe but inefficient.
NYE was amazing. And being sober has it’s benefits. I saw my first BF ever and we had a heart to heart. (awwww) He said some really unexpected encouraging things to me and I don’t think I would have cherished them more if I was buzzed. And without further ado… my resolution. This year’s will be about redemption and moving forward. I didn’t realize how many regrets I had over the years and how they were really eating me alive and taking a toll on me. WHY? Because I know I am better than that. Time for my ideal self merge with my real self.
- Follow through on ALL the things I never complete (or what I can remember)
- Make amends for what I’ve done wrong to others and heal some severed relationships (whether it’s my fault or not; #2 goes both ways. I am on a quest to banish my own anger and disappointment from other’s too)
- Live the motto: Once I say it, I must do it. (i am gonna be a bit selective with what I promise now. lol)
All in all, I see this year to be a very challenging (but if a commit and never back down) and rewarding year. Unless… the Mayans are right. Then we fucked!