Hmm if I was to look back my only mistake would have been not sorting out my nutrition sooner… I had the mind set that food wasn’t that important, as long as I ate HEAPS the gains will come but yeah… my training partner gave me a quick reality kick up the ass for that one hahaha (Im really lucky because I train with a guy thats in his 40’s and he knows his stuff.)
In terms of style I mix it up, one training session is never really the same; Im always changing weight, rep range, focus etc but my favourite and actually the style that has blessed me with the biggest gains has been medium weight with perfect control (form) and lots of time under tension…
Yeah I train legs twice per week however that’s only because its my weakest body part… so I generally train everything once a week with the
exception of my weak points (which I train twice). This then comes into my view of over training… I don’t really believe in it especially with my style of training… I have a few mates that train 4 days per week and say they have the other 3 off because they don’t want to overtrain… I think the underlying factor is they can’t be bothered coming in on the other days because they are to hung-over haha (I don’t drink so don’t have that problem lol) so really one day off to give the body a rest along with my during workout (recovery supplement) is plenty.
Lemony I got to around 13% at one stage but after doing lots of research and looking back on my experiences I think that’s too high… the body burns fat and builds muscle more effectively around 10% so that’s where I am sitting on my bulk at the moment, plus side is im still putting on weight and in my official “bulk” but I still have my abs which always keeps the motivation high.
Rattlehead, my goals really consist of putting on some good size over this off season then I will think about competing late this year
I have attached my most recent back routine so you can get a feel for my training style, focus, form etc let me know what you think and if there is anything I could do better etc
Really good job. Good to see people who can check their egos at the door, lift with good form and proper diet, as opposed to some 25% bodyfat dude half repping the bench press with too much weight.
Cheers Audio… yeah i went through that stage when i first started lifting but i soon got a reality check with injuries coming out of my ears and no gains what so ever…
Good form, lots of TUT and also consistency with training and nutrition is what i have found works the best.
[quote]Jordz wrote:
Cheers Audio… yeah i went through that stage when i first started lifting but i soon got a reality check with injuries coming out of my ears and no gains what so ever…
Good form, lots of TUT and also consistency with training and nutrition is what i have found works the best.
Yep, been down the same road myself, it sucks but it ultimately turns out to be one of the biggest learning experiences of your lifting “career” i believe.
Yeah i like high volume workouts, hmm i will try go to failure on the last 1-2 sets of every exercise (depending on what exercise im doing) but i always make sure my form is correct.
On the pull ups i fail around the middle of the last set (which is generally the medium grip pull ups) from there i will get help from my training partner to get up and then focus on the negative for the last few reps.
Yeah Audio i agree! Im really lucky i figured this one out nice and early… I still see guys today (at my gym) that are in their late 30’s early 40’s and they just go crazy heavy with crap form… they really dont look any different from when i first saw them 2-3 years ago…
I also had this young guy come up to me the other day and ask how im so big when i dont lift really heavy… haha he followed by telling me that “he even lifts more than me”… I had to explain to him that its no about the weight, its about the form, contraction and constant TUT but dont think he understood lol saw him a few days later trying to deadlift 200kg… it looked like we was going to break his back lol
I guess guys like that will just have to live and learn.
I agree with everyone else…great progress. It’s quite evident from your back workout video that you understand that you are training to build the body and not just lift the weights.
Yeah that bench is cool, i also use dumbbells with that exersise to swich it up. It gives you a lot more contol and also flexability in terms of the part of the back you wish to engage.