Just wondering how some of you guys train while “on.” Do you use the methods here on T-mag or go with more of a basic 4 or 5 split? Is overtraining an issue when on gear? I know rest and recovery are still extremely important, but I’m sure you guys probably kick up the training a few notches. I guess what i’m asking is what is a good number of sets to perform/week for each bodypart?
I’ll probably raise a few eyebrows for this one, but Myself and a lot of the other enhanced bbers that I train w/ (some who are a show away from receiving their pro card)utilize a lot of the training principles that were originating in the 70’s. Training 2x/day,going to failure on every set,workouts lasting up to 2hrs.,intensity boosting techniques(drop sets,negatives,supersets,etc)are just some examples of training strategies i employ while “on”. IMO, The principles that apply to a natural bber are drastically different than what may apply to an enhanced bber. It’s like comparing apples to watermelons; it’s just not a fair comparison. So needless to say, I’m a big proponent of balls to the wall workouts and volume training. But what works for me may not be applicable to someone else.
[quote]italian_stallion wrote:
Just wondering how some of you guys train while “on.” Do you use the methods here on T-mag or go with more of a basic 4 or 5 split? Is overtraining an issue when on gear? I know rest and recovery are still extremely important, but I’m sure you guys probably kick up the training a few notches. I guess what i’m asking is what is a good number of sets to perform/week for each bodypart? [/quote]
[quote]mikekatz wrote:
what works for me may not be applicable to someone else.
This is pure wisdom. You need to really learn to listen to your body. Training, especially while on AAS, you walk a very fine line between growing, and injuring yourself. Learn to work your muscles with intensity, without destroying your joints and tendons. Working out 2x per day, and high volume, can be very brutal on your joints and tendons. These do not bounce back as quickly as your muscles, so be very carefull to listen to your body.
While on cycle you are not invinsible! You will be able to get just as good of gains by using slightly lighter weights, and doing more controlled, correct movements. The sudden herculean strength you gain while on cycle can turn around to bite you in the ass, so be carefull!
Sermon over