Training While On

What does everyone think is optimal as far as training while on AAS? Is it still 2x/week per body part, or are bro splits more optimal? Very curious on everyone’s views, as most opinions seem to be mixed.

I’m currently training like this: Mon: Chest & Biceps (Aka ego day), Tue: Quads & Calves (knees extended), Wed: Rest (with extra 30m cardio), Thur: Shoulders & Triceps, Friday: Hamstrings and calves (Knees flexed), Saturday: Complete Rest, Sunday: Back, traps & abs. Find what works for you, for some it isnt enough time to recover between sessions going 2x weekly.

rich piana has some good stuff on youtube regarding that topic.
Id say that for myself I have to agree with him. On gear it works better for me to increase TUT and focus on pumping the muscle to trigger the anabolic response of fascia stretching.

I’m not a Bodybuilder so may be different. But, I actually lower frequency to 3 days a week but volume per session goes up. But, when I’m on I feel almost invincible so I go much heavier more often than I should.

I do the same once a week Mon - Fri bodypart split whether I’m off or on. Only difference in how I train is I do loads more things like drop sets, cluster sets etc. when I’m on cycle.

Also I break more PRs…

I stay the same; on or off. Personally I feel if your are lifting more weight and the training sessions are more intense, you need more down time to recover. Everyone is different but regardless of “On or Off” the signs of overtraining need to be heeded.