I want to keep a training log here because it seems to me there are a lot of cool guys giving advice on training and rehab.
Background information.
I grew up on a farm and have always worked alot of manual labor until recently since im studying to become a lawyer.
I was training and competing in a lot of sports until i was about 16. Including: Football, wrestling (got some goldmedals), athletics (mostly endurance and the 60m dash. ) , and tabletennis. I stopped when i was 16 because i moved and it wasnt available anymore.
16-18. â?? started lifting weights and did the original Mark ripptoes programm and ate alot. Got somewhat stronger. Mostly in the squat and bench press. But i also got fat and my running times went to shit since i was 50 pounds heavier.
When i was 18 years old i had a car accident and fuked up my back. Bulging discs, spasms, constant nagging pain radiating down to my calfs and instability were the main symptoms. I still trained but it only got worse so i stopped training for a while like my doctor advised me to. That turned out to be a bad decision. I got back to training a year later but i mostly trained my upper body because my back was so fuked up. I ended upp injuring my left shoulder, probably from to much pressing work and ignoring external rotation exercises. (thats what my physio thinks anyways). Then i spent about 1.5 years doing no training because , well , everything hurt! I still worked manual labor tho and that hurt a ton. I took alot of painkillers and anti inflammatory drugs in that time. During that time i read alot of rehab and exercise information but never got around to fixing my back because i thought it would just heal if i stopped aggravating it. In that time i got weaker, fatter and semi depressed and the prolonged rest only made me stiff and my back got worse. When i was at my worst i couldnt even jog at all or walk for long distance without pain. Rest clearly wasnt cutting it.
Then i found Alphaâ??s log on T-Nation (6 months ago) and spent about a week reading it all. I think it changed my life. I realized that i had noone to blame exept myself and i was just being a Pu**y. I completly changed my diet, training and work ethics. I read up on Ecressey and mike robertson stuff and i realized i had to work hard to regain stability in my core, flexibilty and moblity if wanted to get back in shape. .Since then i have been fixing my back and trying to get back into shape.
I am now 21 years old and study atleast 10 hours a day at the university and my main goal is to just be able to train! Because i love doing it. I am currently training about 6 days a week. I do moblity and core stability every day. I want to fix my back, gain strength,mobility and flexiblity. My long term goal is to be able to do the WA program without pain (joint pain). In order to stay consistent i have set myself a deadline. In September this year i will join a jujitsu club if im ready or not. I want to be perfectly healthy by then and have good endurance and strength.
In short i want to be athletic again, like i was a few years ago.
Stats right now are.
Weight - 90kg , 198 pounds. â??
Height â?? 178cm , 5 feet 10 inches
Fat- to much. I dont look, move or feel good.
Strenght â?? (injured). But im working with 135 pounds in the deadlift with only mild pain.
I think my strenght and endurance is a joke right now but i have a very competive attitude and i am confident that in time i will have respectable athletic ability.
I look forward to this.