Dear friends!
Finally, I talked my best friend into starting weight training. Since he has no clue about bodybuilding, he asked me to put a regime together. I want us to train together so I can give him immediate feedback and watch his form among other things.
I am intermediate, he is a total noob, therefore forming a routine that fits both needs is quite a task. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, I appreciate any comment.
He is 24, about 6’, 190 pounds with a gut but altogether decent body fat (no more than 15 percent I’d say).
Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
Day 2 - Legs
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Off
Day 5 - Upper Body
Day 6 - Legs
Day 7 - Off
5 minute walk, 2 minutes light jog, light stretching, 3 warm up sets for first exercise, 1 or 2 warm-up sets for all preceding eyercises.
We will be using constant weight, last set of each eyercise to positive muscle failure (unable to lift weight with proper form).
Always 120 seconds rest between sets, 240 between eyercises.
1 second concentric, 2 or 3 seconds eccentric.
Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
Barbell Bench Press - 6 sets of 6
Dumbbell Incline Press - 4 sets of 10
Dips - 4 sets of 12
Dumbbell Fyles - 4 sets of 15
Day 2 - Legs
Back Squat - 3 sets of 8
Front Squat - 3 sets of 6
Romanian Deadlift - 3 sets of 10
Leg Extension - 2 sets of 20
Leg Curls - 4 sets of 8
Calf Raises - 4 sets of 20
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Pullups - 5 sets of 10
Barbell Rows - 4 sets of 10
Seated Row - 3 sets of 15
Barbell Curls - 4 sets of 8
Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 10
Day 5 - Upper Body
Standing Shoulder Press - 10 sets of 5
Pullups - 10 sets of 5
Day 6 - Legs
Deadlift - 6 sets of 6
Squats - 2 sets of 50
Leg Extension - 2 sets of 100
Bodyweight Squats - 1 set to failure