I was wondering how others train that are in martial arts, or any sport where you need to train in different areas.
I have class twice a week
jump rope for 5 mins, heavy bag 25 mins (3 mins on the bag, 1 min stationary bike for rest) in the morning
jump rope 5 mins, calisthenics 25 mins (mostly from Matt Furey’s book) afternoons twice a week
strength train twice a week using a split like Ian King’s big muscles, busy schedule (the gains havn’t been as good as lifting 4 times a week but the BJJ classes feel harder on my nervous system than lifting and I am at least making small gains)
Just wondering how others ballance aerobic, anaerobic, strength and technical training in a week.
I’m having the same problem right now. I’ve just started taking MA, and I’ve had to seriously cut back on my strength training. I train T and Th, and I want to lift on M and F, but sometimes, I have to lift on Sat because I am so sore from MA classes.
I see that you use Matt Furey things. Do you like them? Are they helpful? I’ve been thinking about getting some of his books about stretching, but I want to ask around before investing the money.
In the past I’ve really taken the fun out of things by competing so I’m just doing it as a hobby. I take kickboxing which is mostly thai boxing and grappling which is mostly BJJ. I’m not really looking for help since I’m pretty happy with what I’m doing. I just kind of wanted to see how others train and maybe get some ideas.
Matt Furey’s combat conditioning book is pretty good. It’s just a book of exercises that carry over to grappling. Basically just pictures and text on how to do it. I don’t have any other books by him but if you’re looking for a good book on stretching check out www.stadion.com for Stretching Scientifically. I don’t really see a need to do the splits though which is what a lot of peoples goals are. I can’t come even close but can kick over my head if I wanted, which I don’t usually. Also the Science of Martial Arts Training by Charles Staley at www.myodynamics.com is good but it says its sold out at the moment. It has ideas for workout plans but he likes periodization of training which I never get good results from.