1-17: Saturday
Bench: 135x10 210x5x5 sets- last rep paused each set
Overhead press:135x5 150x5x4 sets
Pulldown(neutral grip):120x8 165x10x4 sets
Grip machine-90x10 100x10 115x10x2 sets 90x25
SQ: 137x10 227x10 277x3
back still bothering me, put on belt:307x5x4 sets- last rep for each set paused 3-5 secs.
Skipped the sing;e
BP: 135x10 185x5 225x3 245x5x4 sets- last rep of each paused
275x1 3-2-sec pause
295x2 singles- 2 sec pause
Close grip-135x10 205x5x5 sets- last rep of each paused
chest supported row-145x10x5 sets
dumbbell reverse wrist curl-4x10
wrist curl behind back-3x10 1x15
reverse hypers-3x15
1/22: Thurs
Did not train. Lower back feels somewhat better but I don’t want to rush in and get hurt again. Just did some neck bridges, plenty of stretching and an epson salt bath.
1-24: Saturday
BP: 135x10 185x10 225x5x5 sets- last rep of each paused
Overhead press- 135x5 155x5x4 sets
Pulldown-170x10x5 sets
Wrist roller-25x4 sets
Forgot chucks (d’oh) so I ended up squatting in my nice shoes. Aside from looking like a dork I don’t really like squatting in any type of shoe with a heel because it makes me lean forward and the squats turn into good mornings.
SQ: 135x10 225x5 275x3 315x5x4 sets
Since the heel threw me off everything felt 40-50lbs heavier than it should have. My back did not bother me though which is a very good sign. Cutting back the last 2 weeks (though it felt like 2 months!) was the smart thing to do. I skipped the singles though I will pick up where I left off next 4-week cycle.
Back raises-5 sets of 10- added these to prevent re-injury
Sit ups on incline-3 sets of 20
Neck work
1/28- Wednesday
BP: 135x10 185x5 225x3 250x5x4 sets- last rep of each set paused
275x1- 3 sec pause
300x2- not paused-first 2 reps were smoke, but then spotter said something and I lost focus so I got stuck at my sticking point about halfway up on the third /facepalm
Close grip:135x10 210x5x5 sets
Chest supported row-45x10 90x10 150x10x5 sets
Wrist curls
Leg raises
I met a fellow at the gym who competes at Superheavyweight. I didn’t know too many people at this gym but I’ll try to synchronize. It’s good to train with people who are stronger.
2-1: Sunday
Bench-135x10 185x10 225x5x5 last rep paused for each set
Started paying for a big Saturday night with cramps and a headache. I know I can never get as much volume on those mornings so I tried to go heavier and do less sets from then on
Overhead press-95x6 135x3 165x1 185x1 200x0 195x1- real grinder, almost dropped the weight at the top
WIll start deadlifting again this week, although this week I am still doing a back off week
2/3: Monday
SQ: speed work 135x10 225x5 295x2x8
Reverse hyper:90x10x5
Cable machine twist:3x10 each side
Neck machine:4x10 heavy
WOrkouts I missed evident. Nowhere near as fast as they should have been with so low a weight
2/4: Tuesday
Speed bench-135x10 185x6 225x3x6sets(2 sets close, 2 med, 2 wide)
Bench reps-225x16, close on 17th but could not lock out
Close grips-185x8x2 sets
Chest supported rows-45x10 90x10 155x10x3sets- remembered I was supposed to deadlift tommorow (dur) so I stopped after 3.
2/6: Thursday
Squats- 135x10 225x5 275x5 300x5 last rep paused 3-sec each set
These felt a bit off, trouble keeping arch, think I need to slow my descents
Deadlift off 100#-135x5 225x5 325x1 375x1 415x1 435x1- stopped there for today
Reverse hypers-4x10
Weighted straight leg situps-5x10 with weight behind head- brutal
The best training for everybody is different, and for me what I’ve found works best for strength gains is alot of volume with moderate weight with frequent sessions and not missing any reps. I chose 5x5 as it seems to fit that, and a training partner gave me the idea of singles at the end of the 5x5 to not “forget” the feel of heavier weight.
I think so far I have been a bit conservative choosing the weight for the worksets- part of it was concern about overtraining. After the first week I never felt tired at the end of this main work, and after a few weeks even the assistance was a breeze.
It did help as before my upper back and shoulders were weak and I’d never feel stable on benching, but I think the stiff legs were a bit much on my back. Well, give and take.
I will be jumping up the weight on the work sets for BP and SQ, doing 5 sets instead of 4, keeping the singles about the same but reducing the volume of assistance work like rows, overhead work and close grips. I am going to try deadlifting each week but only heavy every second week to see if that helps also.
2/9: Monday
Squats-135x10 225x5 275x5 325x5x5 sets- didn’t feel so good today, trouble keeping arch, might have tried to rush it a bit
Tired for a single, but did a walk out with 435
Side sit up-4x10 each way
Neck machine-4x20
2/11: Wednesday
Bench-135x10 185x8 225x5 255x5x5 sets- each set I paused the last rep
280x1- 3 sec pause
300x1- 3 sec pause- Right wrist bent all the way back on the way up, but I managed to lock the weight out even though it was all sorts of ugly. I have wrists the size of Mary Kate Olsen’s so I can’t really neglect forearm work.
Decline-135x10 225x8 250x8
Kettlebell cleans- 50x8 75x10x3 each hand
Wrist curl-3x15 each hand
2/13: Friday
Deadlifts- 135x5 225x5 325x3 400x5 singles- did first 2 sumo, couldn’t break ground on the third. I used to be alot better sumo but when I switched to conventional it felt like 135???
Squats-135x10 225x5 275x5 315x5
Ultra wide sumo deadlift-235x10x3 sets- I am thinking hips might be a weaknes so I will do these each week. Did feel burns in hips and glutes like never before although weight wasn’t hard so I may be on to something.
roman chair Sit up-3x10
2/16: Monday
SQ-135x10 225x5 275x5 315x2 335x5x5 sets
Reverse hyper-3x15
Sit up-3x20
BP-135x10 185x5 225x5 260x5x5 sets-last rep of each paused
275x1 2-sec pause
295x1 2-sec pause
315x0 felt light in my hands but only got halfway up guess I was just gassed
My elbows started to hurt so I took the rest of the exercises light.
Hammer Curl-3x10
Pause Squats:135x3 185x3 225x3 275x3 315x3
DL-245x3x2 335x1 395x 6 singles
Sumo stiff-leg: 345x5
Neck work
Standing abdominal
From when I was injured I got in the habit of starting with the hips low and almost squatting the weight up. I think this might not be the best leverage though as the hips need to move so far, in addition to the knee starting at a less strong angle. It will take some experimenting in the upcoming weeks to find the best way to go.
Speed bench:135x10 185x5 225x3x8 sets
Dumbbell press overhead 40x10 45x10 50x10 55x10 60x10
Cable rows-4x12
Lookin really strong man.
2/23: Monday
SQ-135x10 225x5 275x3 315x3 345x5x5 sets
Leg curl-5x10
Side bends-2x20 heavy each side
real good, everything went up smooth
2/25: Wed
BP- 135x10 185x8 225x5 265x5x4 sets 265x6-just missed lockout on 7th
Decline-135x10 225x10 275x3- wrists failed, called it a day
2/26: Thurs
Low box Squat-135x3 225x3 275x2x5 sets
Pin pulls: lowest pin and standing on 45- bar started around mid-shin- 135x3 225x3 315x1 405x1 455x1 495x1 515x1
Reverse hyper-5x10
Weighted sit up-3x15
3/1: Sun
Bench-135x10 185x5 225x3x8 sets
DB Shoulder press-45x10 50x10 55x10 60x10 65x8
Pulldown-120x10 180x8 195x8x2
Wrist curl-3x15
wrist extension-3x20
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Lookin really strong man.[/quote]
thanks buddy!
3/2: Monday
SQ-135x10 225x5 285x2x8 sets
Kettlebell swing-50x20 85x15x2
neck machine
cable “woodchop”
3/4: Wed
BP-135x6 185x6 225x3 275x2 225x17
just getting the blood flowing, wasn’t feeling great but that’s the most reps I’ve done with 225
3/5: Thurs
Low box squat-135x3 225x3 280x2x5 sets
Deadlift-245x5 335x3 435x6 singles: starting with hips lower actually works better for me once weight gets over 400 or so- takes the stress off the lower back
Romanian DL-335x3 (a little too much) 295x6
DB row-50x10 75x10 each side, 100x21 right, 100x18 left
Straight leg situp-4x25
I read somewhere that you should be able to romanian deadlift for 5 reps with around 80% of your max deadlift. I think even considering that this is the first time I’ve
done this exercise that this indicates a weakness in the hamstrings since I have pulled 565 before the injury and 525 with some to spare at a recent meet, so 300 is less 60% of the max.
I will try to do 3 sets of 5-6 reps and add a bit of weight each week.
3/10: Tues
SQ- 135x10 225x5 275x3 315x3 335x5x5 sets
warmups felt like crap but from 315 up felt good
pull through-3x15
Rainbow ab work-3x10 each side
BP-135x10 185x5 225x5 260x5x5 sets- last rep of each set paused
290x1 3 sec pause
Overhead press-135x8x3 sets
Pulldown-150x8x4 sets 165x8x2 sets- 3 grips, shorter rest period
3/14: Saturday
Box squat-135x3x2 225x3 285x2x5 sets
Rack pull pin 7 (top of knee)-135x5 225x5 315x1 405x1 495x1
675-got it moving but grip started slipping, set it down so as not to drop it
675x1- solid, held at the top for a few secs
700x0- had to try the magic 7, not today though
Romanian DL-135x8 225x6 275x6 315x6- much improved from last week
Barbell row-135x10 185x10x3
Back was fried!
3/15: Sunday
Speed bench-135x10 185x5 225x3x8 sets (4 sets close, 4 sets wide)- will only use 205 for the close sets next week since this week they were slow
Close grip with 1 set of chain (not sure of the weight)-225x3 245x3
Face pull-3x20
Wrist curl-5x10
wrist extension-5x10
Need to clean up diet some, have been working 60-70 hr weeks and they keep junk food at the office- temptation often gets the better of me after awhile.
3/17/09: Tuesday
SQ-135x10 225x5 275x3 315x3 345x5x5 sets
Reverse hyper-3x15
Decline sit-up:3x10
Neck bridge
from “The Purposeful Primitive” the author says most people cheat doing the sit-ups in that they will start fast and use their legs to get them moving. I conciously tried to start slow and only use ab muslces: it is a very humbling exercise this way, I had a lot of trouble finishing 3 sets of 10 with no weight
3/19/09: Thursday
BP:135x10 185x5 225x5 265x5x5 sets; last rep each set paused
295x1 -2 sec pause
305x1- 2 sec pause
315x1- 2 sec pause
Overhead press-50x10x5 sets
Pulldowns-165x10x5 sets
Wrist roller-3 sets
Pushed through the assistance real fast. Shoulders bothered me the next 2 days but pain is gone now.
3/21/09: Saturday
Power Cleans-132x3 154x3 198x2 220x2 (kilo set hence the funny #s)
Box squats-135x3 225x3 290x2x5 sets
DL-220x5 319x6 singles
RDL-319x6x2 sets- really had to work hard
Barbell rows-135x10 190x10x2 sets
I think the box squats have really helped my regular squats for several reasons. 1, they have taught me to stay tight throughout the movement. 2, they have increased hip strength greatly with was very poor before since I squat with basically an olympic stance, and c, they taught me to explode out of the bottom.
3/25: Wed
Squat-135x10x2 sets 225x5 275x3 315x3 355x5x5 sets 405x1-lost focus during lift, turned into a real grinder
Standing abs with band
dead after this
3/26: Thursday
Bench-135x10x2 sets 185x5 225x5 270x5x5 sets- last rep of each set paused
Upright row-95x10 115x10x3 sets
Neck machine
3/29: Sunday
Cleans:132x3 176x3 220x1 225-4 attempts, got to collarbone height each rep but couldn’t flip wrists over, might be a mental thing
Box Sq-135x3 225x2 295x2x3 sets- short on time
Rack pulls(pin 5, below knee)-135x5 225x5 315x1 405x1 495x1 550x1 600x0 600x1- ball buster
3/30: Monday
Speed bench- 135x10 205x3x4 sets close grip 225x3x4 sets medium grip
Close grips-225x3 250x3 275x2 300x1(2 sec pause) 310x1 touch and go- wanted a double but missed the second rep
barbell complex
SQ-135x10 225x5 285x2x8 sets
Heavy bag
4/4: Saturday
power clean-110x5 132x4 154x3 176x2 198x1 198x1(pressed)
220x1(pressed) 220x1(pressed)
Deadlift-245x3 335x1 355x1x6 sets
RDL-245x6 295x6 315x6
Bent rows-245x5x2 sets
4/6: Monday
Speed bench-135x10 205x3x4 sets(close) 225x3x4 sets(medium)
Decline press-135x5 225x5 275x3 295x3 (paused last rep each set
Neck machine
Kettlebell complex
Lower back is feeling messed up again. I blame poor recovery due to long hours at the office and an erratic diet. I will take squats and deadlifts light this week and go back to my schedule next week if I feel better.
4/8: Wednesday
Sq(don’t laugh!):135x10 185x8 225x10x5 sets
Back raises-3x10
4/10: Friday
BP-135x10 185x8 225x5 265x5x5 sets: felt heavy today so I do any “extra credit today”
Arnold Press-4x10
Elliptical (stop laughing)
4/13: Monday
BP:135x10 205x3x4 sets (close) 225x3x4 sets(medium grip)
DB inclines-60x10 70x10 80x10 (paused each rep)
Frustrating week, with April 15th deadline coming up I just had to squeeze in training whenever I had a minute and was always rushed and lacking focus, but the good news is my back is feeling recovered.