This is my workout program.
Workout 1
Bench Press
Straight Arm Laying Cable Chop
Weighted Pushups
Dumbbell Flies
2min Sit-ups
Workout 2
Standing Calf Raises
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Leg Contraction
2min sit-ups
Workout 3
Standing Shoulder press
Bent Over Rows
Handstand Pushups
Palm-up seated rows
2min sit-ups
I want to start keeping a log to record gains. I’m not going to record all of them though just the main exercises - these are them with my current high:
Pull-ups: 16
Sit-ups (2 minutes): 86
Benchpress: 150 lb x 8
Deadlift: 250 lb x 5
Squats: 150lb x 8
Standing Shoulder Press: 95 lb x 8
Barbell Curl: 65 lb x 6
As you can see my biceps are pretty weak at this point. Hopefully it will change. This is my first time trying to keep a log, first time following any sort of plan (I don’t really have reps/sets down yet), and I bought my first tub of protein powder. Hopefully it all comes together.
I don’t have any set goals in mind just to continue to grow. I guess a start would be to get my Benchpress and Squat a bit higher. Deadlift is doing much better because I find it fun. Then I want to be able to do a set of 25 pull-ups. I’d also like to be able to curl 100lb and shoulder press my bodyweight.
I’m 24 years old, 5’9" and weigh 152lbs (just got over the 150 mark about two weeks ago)