Ok, here’s the thing, after 2 years of training and considerable progress, I’m starting to feel and be annoyed of symmetry problems, when I lay down, I can feel the right part of my arse and lower back being a bit thicker than the left.
Now, I’ve always tried to focus on using both arms, legs, etc equally, but it seems as I’ve done to many doubles and not enough of singles.
My plan is to take a month or two in high rep, fat burning and symmetry shaping training, and what I’d like from you fellow t-mag readers are pointers on the best isolated exercises for singles.
Like the preacher curl is what I consider the best bicep exercice, but what about the shoulders, chest, hamstrings, calves etc?
Also, what I’d like to be taken into consideration is that the exercies should not include stabilizers of the other half of the body too much, since that might continue to develop symmetry problems.
If you’re talking about muscle imbalances, like you train chest more than back and you’re going to fix it, that’s one thing. But “training for symmetry” is sort of a misnomer since symmetry is largely genetic. “Shaping” exercises are bunk in most modern experts’ opinions.
Symmetry within individual muscles is imposible, at this point in time, but overall symetry is a completly different story. For example is a guy who only trains chest genitically challenged or is he too afraid of yee old squat rack… For some great info on symmetry go to Larry Scott’s site and check all of his newsletters. 95% of them are complete bullshit but he has some deadly symmetry articles.
correct me if i am wrong, but i am reading this that he has a more developed right side than left. If that is the case i seem to recall one one of T-mag coaches advoacating a large dumbell work period and doing only maintenance with the strong side, while working on the weaker side (there was an article/reply on this - question of power/ strength? i dont remember where)