In an effort to both boost activity and create valid thread on this sub-forum(as opposed to some of these other gems), I decided to start this thread. I know there are a decent amount of people that compete or have copmpeted in strongman on here and I think it would be beneficial to others to get an idea of how different people train to compete.
I’m sure that are people that check out this section that would be interested in seeing the different templates and program set ups. And I hope this may give people some insight into the thought process of training and some ideas for their own training. Maybe the competitors can even shoot ideas back and forth, too.
I’ll start and kick things off,
Monday - Deadlift using 531, Bench using 531, Squats for sets of 8-12, maybe something upper back-ish if I’m not toasted, but usually not
Wednesday - Log/Axle/Overhead work, Tire flipping, maybe another event – usually Farmers
Thursday - Chins and maybe some curls
Saturday - Events Day - Yoke, Stones, Whatever
My training kind of evolved into this setup and I have been running it similar to this for about 5 months. Because of time constraints and training needs, it started as a Mon-Wed-Sat setup with Wed and Sat being event days. I felt I needed another event day to bring up some contest weaknesses. With two event days, I needed to scale back in-gym lifting and with my schedule at the time, it worked to only do one day.
I had been making gains with the deadlift on the 531 and didn’t want to drop that. But with only one real gym day, I thought I would need something upper body, too. So Monday turned into Deadlift/Bench day. (Not the military press because I would be hitting overhead work on event days.
The chin day got thrown in later only because I had a chin bar made for my house. Plus I figure I can’t really go wrong adding some chin work in.
After a couple months, I got worried about my squat and decided to use it as my “assistance” for the deadlift, but after pulling and benching I had start ridiculously light and build up. I’m talking 185-225 light.
As far as events, there’s not much to say. It was mostly dictated my what was in an upcoming contest. I also did the basic events every week, though – Overhead, Tire, Farmers, and Stones. Tire was always Wednesday because I had people that came to my house to train that day (non-strongman competitors) and they always like doing tire.
Now, with all that said, there was almost always some tweaking every week. I’m a student, I’m a father, and I work. Something in life always comes up and I have to adjust. Some days, I would flip the tire for one set or just do one run of stones and call it a day. Sometimes I would have to shift training ahead or behind a day. Sometimes I would have to change events because equipment wasn’t available that week. Something always changed, but I tried to follow the basic formula above and at least get the main lift or event done.
Going forward, I would like to eventually split up the dead and bench, I’m not sure how yet. Once winter sets in, I will also drop my second event day and go back to more gym time. I also want to add some conditioning in.
I’ve probably rambled on longer than necessary here, but maybe someone will find value in it.