[quote]GBench wrote:
Hey Ladies (and fellas if you dare to read:))
I am working on a 200lb raw bench at 123, just 15 more pounds to go! I’m at 185 right now, touch and go that is.
I was hoping to start a log to share my training with you, in hopes of support and feedback (good and bad).
I only bench once a week, alternating Speed work one week and Heavy work the next. I normally bench on Sundays. This past Sunday went very well, I got 185 for two singles!! Heres the rundown:
Flat Bench: (raw)
185x1 (hips off bench, but got the weight up)
185x0- missed this one
Band and Chain work on Flat bench:
95lbs on bar with both heavy chains and purple bands doubled up
3 sets of 5
Felt really good and tried 185 again for the heck of it and got it!! (normally, I don’t do that, I keep singles at the very beginning of my workout)
Incline Barbell:
115, 2sets of 5
Decline Barbell:
155, 2sets of 5
I do have video of my band and chain work, I’ll try to post it, as soon as I figure out how to do that. As well as a video of the 185! I definitely have to work on keeping my butt down, cause that won’t fly at a meet. My best competition raw press is 175lb so I’m very excited to be moving up!
That was it for my workout. Back in the gym next Sunday for my Heavy Week.
Welcome Gina. It’s nice to see more strong women joining us on this forum.
What federations do you lift in? I see the USAPL is going to start expanding their sanctioned raw competitions beyond the local and state meets they have now. Personally, I find this refreshing as there are many of us out there that may want to lift in a competition, but don’t want to deal with learning to use the gear. The other theory is that people are getting tired of the raw vs gear debate, and that the athletes are just getting too beat up from lifting with equipment.
It’s very impressive to watch a strong woman bench without a bench shirt. Jennifer Thompson was training at my gym while in town with her husband a couple of years ago (she’s ~ 5’5", 132). She warmed up with 135 and easily worked her way up to 225, raw. The pseudo bodybuilders and squat rack curlers lifting nearby were getting increasingly uncomfortable as this slight young women easily handled this weight (she’s a math teacher). Pretty soon, most of these guys were on the other side of the gym, grumbling and making excuses. It was great and I freely admit that I enjoyed it immensely.
I had recognized her as soon as she walked in and had a pretty good idea of what to expect. For the uninitiated, here’s her website:
Train hard and stay healthy.