I’ve been training seriously for 1 year now
Thanks I need all the advice anyone is ready to give. i’d appriciate it
Advice on what? Your training? Diet? Ohh wait we know nothing about that.
need more shots… legs, back…
how can we give u advice if we dont know ur current routine or diet?
looks like you have good genetics for aesthetics. Lifting serious for 1 year what does that mean, how long have you been lifting in total? Leg back biceps ext need more shots, you look pretty good though.
[quote]shizen wrote:
looks like you have good genetics for aesthetics. Lifting serious for 1 year what does that mean, how long have you been lifting in total? Leg back biceps ext need more shots, you look pretty good though. [/quote]
My Bad…Training serious for 1 year means I used to do mainly body weight excercises i.e push-ups Dips, pull-ups etc and basically did’nt know how to diet properly (which I’m still learning). I am 5’6 and am at 166lbs in the above picture.
My normal weight was 185-187, but I was portly/fat!..Last year my Dr. Told me that my cholesterol levels were too high…(230) so I decided to start working with weights a lot more seriously and tried the Ketogenic diet ( hi-fat, low to no carb) which only worked somewhat for me…my cholesterol did go down (176) but I was still portly-fat…and I was not losing fat on that diet…
Some one sent me a magazine put out by Beverly Nutrition and most of the guys there followed basically the same styled diet so I tried it and began to see some fat loss…basically my training was primitive…I did what I felt. I work out at home. (I just joined a gym 2 weeks ago) but now I’m trying a 4 day push/pull routine. I will get some more shots up. My GF took that pic after some cardio I was doing. So please forgive me for being vague