Train Harder, Recover Faster: The Nutrition Breakthrough

Lift Heavier, Do More Reps, Train More Often

You get better by training hard, but that’s only half the equation. Here’s how to fuel those tough workouts, recover quickly, and come back stronger.

Hypertrophy is a balancing act. To build muscle, you must work out hard enough to trigger tissue remodeling (turn on muscle growth), but not so hard that you exceed your ability to recover from the workout. If you don’t recover before the next workout, you're not going to make any progress. You might even regress. The same is true for strength-focused training.

Not many regular gym-goers run into this problem, though. Why? Look around the average gym: very few people are training hard enough to need to think about recovery. What are they gonna recover from? Half-hearted, unchallenging sets of easy exercises? Those folks can stop reading now. This isn’t for them.

In the most basic terms, recovery boils down to rest and nutrition. Train hard, push through the discomfort, and walk out of the gym wrecked (in a good way). Then, give your body what it needs to repair and come back better. Do that and you’ve mastered the balancing act.

Getting enough rest is up to you. The nutrition part is too, but science can help. Thanks to science, we know exactly what your body needs to train hard and recover fast, and it goes beyond eating some protein and getting adequate calories.

For those who deserve it, for whose workouts earn it, there’s Surge Workout Nutrition (Buy at Amazon), the epitome of everything we’ve learned about training nutrition and recovery.

Performance and Recovery Three Ways

There are three parts to Surge Workout Nutrition’s approach to not only facilitating recovery but also increasing work capacity during challenging workouts:

1. The Anaerobic Primer

Biotest combined four performance-enhancing agents in Surge Workout Nutrition to do the following:

  • Increase skeletal muscle protein synthesis.
  • Increase ATP production.
  • Combat muscle oxidation.
  • Jumpstart the recovery process after training.
  • Boost anaerobic and aerobic performance during exercise, allowing you do to more reps and maintain strength, power, and endurance.

The four ingredients are:

  1. Beta-Alanine – Beta-alanine raises muscle carnosine concentrations by up to 58% in four weeks and 80% in ten weeks, thereby increasing the amount of work you can perform at high intensities.
  2. L-Leucine – Leucine is the key amino acid for muscle protein synthesis.
  3. Citrulline Malate – This compound reduces lactic acid and ammonia buildup, increases nitric oxide production, and increases regeneration of ATP.
  4. Malic Acid – This dicarboxylic acid plays a role as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle and increases peak power, total work, body composition, and even growth hormone levels.

2. The Hyperosmotic Glycogen Load

Cyclic dextrin or HBCD is a "functional carbohydrate" that does the following:

  • It has very high solubility and low viscosity, enabling it to pull substrate-loaded fluids into muscle cells. It also has a very short gastric emptying time so the gut absorbs it quickly.
  • Its low osmotic pressure (in comparison to drinks that don't contain it) results in less gastrointestinal discomfort while training.
  • It elicits a small insulin surge, which promotes the transport of glucose and amino acids directly into muscle cells.
  • Because of all that, it increases endurance and reduces RPE, or "rate of perceived exertion."

3. The Super-Hydration Catalyst

Hydration is the simple act of replacing water in the body, but it's a lot more complicated when it comes to rehydrating the body after training. Sweat isn't just water. When you lose it, you also lose electrolytes that carry the electrical impulses needed for muscle contractions and transmission of nerve impulses.

Sports drinks contain a couple of electrolytes, but unless you're just playing JV football, you need something more. Surge Workout Nutrition (Buy at Amazon) contains all the electrolytes needed for optimum human performance:

  • Salt
  • Sodium citrate
  • Sodium phosphate dibasic
  • Potassium bicarbonate
  • Potassium phosphate dibasic
  • Calcium citrate
  • Magnesium citrate tribasic

Together, these electrolytes…

  • Produce a hyperosmotic, super-hydrated working muscle.
  • Accelerate rehydration, preventing poor exercise performance and premature fatigue, along with muscle cramps.
  • Provide the precise ratio of electrolytes to maintain or restore acid-base balance, blood pressure, nerve conduction, muscle function, glucose transport, and glucose storage.


How to Use Surge Workout Nutrition

Simply mix the pre-flavored powder with water and begin sipping it 15 minutes before your workout. Drink the rest during and after. You can use one scoop or two, depending on the duration and intensity of your training. There’s no caffeine, so you can use it whenever you train.

What You’ll Notice

Your training will seem easier and less fatiguing. You’ll be able to train longer, harder, without crapping out. Muscle pumps will be more pronounced. Most will notice that they can knock out some extra reps or power through loads that used to crush them.

Recovery-wise, you’ll feel less soreness, and you’ll feel fully recovered and ready to hit it hard again during your next workout. And of course, muscle gains will come faster.

Just save it for those who need it. If you’re not training all that hard, just have a protein shake after your workout.


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Looking to use this solely for post workout recovery. Is that ideal, or should it be done in all 3- pre workout, intra and post?

From my experience, post workout recovery is really not getting at the benefits of Surge. Surge ensures that the workouts themselves are well energized and strong. I honestly STOPPED using it because it worked too well. I was pushing myself into levels of intensity I hadn’t reached before, and wasn’t being smart enough to factor that into my own recovery. It’s VERY effective when employed pre and intra workout.


Any plan to bring back Plazma? Or recommendations for making Surge closer to Plazma? Maybe adding EAAs (not the same, but a little more anabolic)?

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Thanks. I currently take Spark from Advocare as my preworkout. Wasn’t really looking to stop taking it, but if the two can’t be taken together, I understand.

I’m not familiar with that product, but Surge isn’t a “pre-workout” in the sense of being a stimulant: it’s simply fuel FOR the workout.


I’ve been using SWF since it came out. I can say with confidence that for pre and intra workout energy, it is the bomb. And no stimulants like caffeine to aggravate my BP. One of the very best BioTest products, IMO. If you haven’t tried it yet, take the plunge. Much recommended.


CT adds Mag-10. I’ve been taking Surge Workout Fuel intra- and Mag-10 post, and it has been fantastic.

That said, I think Surge is terrific as a standalone. It has some performance ingredients Plazma did not. It as at the expense of the casein hydrolysate, but it includes a hefty dose of Leucine. If your total daily protein is on-target, I think you are likely good to go. If you want that extra bit of recovery, and I have felt it’s noticeable, Mag-10 is a great addition.

So: Surge Workout Fuel to kill today’s training session; Mag-10 to still kill tomorrow’s.

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To be clear, you recommend Mag-10 over Surge for recovery and to be ready for the next day’s session?

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Good to know. That’s what I was thinking of too.

I used a homebrew Plazma long ago, and it seemed like what used to be Plazma is now split into Surge and Mag-10. Surge works very well for fueling heavy/hard workouts.

Mag-10 seemed like it would be the right tool to use for postworkout (maybe starting to drink it near the end of the workout). It also seems like the right thing to use first thing in the morning, especially if you’re doing some sort of fasted cardio, to quickly get some aminos/peptides into the bloodstream and limit catabolism.

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Really fair question. For me, personally, I would say not really.

Surge Workout Fuel is my base for a couple reasons:

  1. It really improves my performance on that training session; I think that drives all future progress, so that’s step one.
  2. It does improve my recovery - the idea is by not digging as deep a hole in the workout, it’s easier to climb out.
  3. I can have a solid session even in a pretty deep caloric deficit by sipping Surge intra-workout.

For me, that makes Mag-10 an addition if I’m still not recovering or need something more; not a replacement.

I’m happy for others’ opinions on this. I have some bias, because I haven’t used Mag-10 for as long nor as a standalone. I could see a use case for Mag-10 as an alternative if I really needed to keep carbs lower or I was having trouble getting my protein high or if I just couldn’t tolerate all the liquid intra-workout.

To my current approach, way of thinking, in order of addition (for the purpose of this thread, I’m just talking training/ recovery, not health):

  1. Total daily protein - Metabolic Drive is fantastic here
  2. Intra-workout performance/ recovery - Surge Workout Fuel, hands down. I do pretty well with one scoop for the most part, but a full serving is, I believe, a very wise move for your leg days or bigger bodyparts. Soreness can be your guide here.
  3. Additional recovery as individually needed - Mag-10. There are also a lot of individual uses within context of your total diet (pulsing strategies, cardio as mentioned, etc.), so I’m really just talking about as an adjunct to the main training session here.

Love it! Thanks!

I also eat a Fini Bar before each workout. Advise to eat one and take Surge both? Jumps my carbs up pretty high in that case.

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Well, that depends:

  1. What’s your goal?
  2. When do you train?
  3. What do the rest of your daily meals look like?
  4. What’s your training session look like?
  5. How’s your body composition?
  6. Most importantly: how do you feel with/ without the Fini Bar?
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Get crazy! Carb Up!

Finibar 30 minutes to 1 hour pre workout.

Surge during workout.

You’re starting out really lean. Pound those carbs around the workout, nutrient timing Bodybuilder style and see if you get huge!

If you don’t like it, and you don’t Hulk Up you can always back off the carbs after a few weeks.

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Well, that depends:

  1. What’s your goal? Hypertrophy/lose fat

  2. When do you train? 3am-first thing in morning

  3. What do the rest of your daily meals look like? Base calories is 2900 that I always achieve. 250+g protein daily and 315-400g carbs daily. I track consistently and meals stay the same weekly. I’m very diligent about it.

  4. What’s your training session look like? I push balls to the wall with weight lifting 5 days per week and metabolic condition of some kind 2-3 of those days.

  5. How’s your body composition? My smart scale says 14% body fat, but those aren’t always correct. I think it’s lower. I have traditions in my chest and shoulders and excellent vein popping.

  6. Most importantly: how do you feel with/ without the Fini Bar? I started the Fini Bar about 8 months ago and love it. I got a pretty good amount of energy from it, but really noticed fat loss when I started it. Maybe I was under fueling by working out fasted without the bar?

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You’re plenty lean, you have plenty of carbs to work with, lift hard and early, and it’s done nothing but improve your performance and body composition… I absolutely say keep those FiniBars and just add Surge Workout Fuel as the variable. That’s a better experiment anyway.

Ok. So do add Surge? Any concern that the Surge WF will put me over the edge in carbs?..Like too far over the 400+g I get per day?

To be clear, I track calories religiously with MyFitnessPal app and my BMR is set at the 2900 calories for a 190lb male who is very active. So, once it calculates my training, I am anywhere from 500-700 in the negavtive. 2900 + 500-700 in workout cals burned, I’m in the negative…too negative? Surge may help? Set me straight lol.

The issue with this question is you listed 2 goals for your goal, and they’re competing goals: hypertrophy, and lose fat.

In a hypertrophy training phase, the carb question is a non-issue. That fuel will be used to build muscle.

But if fat loss is the goal, then yeah: you’ll wanna stay on top of those carbs. Outside of providing energy and sparing muscle, they aren’t doing anything else for you.

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Great point. I read hypertrophy, and @FlatsFarmer talking about being lean, and just moved on with that as the goal.

Assuming this is the goal, @rgruntorad, yes add the Surge Workout Fuel to the training.

If you are religiously tracking your calories, just account for these carbs. Even as you go into a fat loss phase, I’d prefer you pull carbs away from your training first and take out the training window carbs only when you have to. What I mean is, you won’t go from 400g carbs to none the moment you decide it’s time to start to lean out. Well, you could, but you’d be taking on a whole new strategy. I’m making the assumption you’re just going to methodically reduce carbs/ calories.

You’re probably having carbs:

  • Pre-workout (the Fini Bar)
  • Post-workout (Breakfast)
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon snack
  • Dinner

I would add carbs to the intra- window (Surge) and account for them by taking them from the meal furthest from training. In this case it’s actually the afternoon snack (dinner is kind of a pre-workout), so to be calorie-neutral you’d go:

  • Pre
  • Intra
  • Post
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon protein/ fat only
  • Dinner

Then, when you need to reduce calories, carbs go away from lunch, then dinner, then probably breakfast, etc.

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