Traditional Elk’s training log

PM workout

20 min airdyne- 7.51 miles

Just finished this after 8:30 after arriving home from the weekend. Got to play a bunch of spikeball & pickleball the past few days, though no real training I guess. Pushing the lifting days back so I’ll squat tomorrow instead of today. Then wed/fri/sat for the rest. Ready for a big week.


AM workout

Squat 4x5, 1x7x310
RDL 5x10x155
Chins 7x7
Back extension 4x15
Plank 4x1:00

Super tough workout today. Squats & rdl’s absolutely hammered me, so finishing the assistance was just surviving. Solid start to the lifting week. Excited for the next few days as well. Still not sure on if I’ll continue the program next week, or pivot to something else at the 6 week mark. I got this week to think about it though. This program has been great, so I don’t want to just cut it short when I don’t need to, but the next few weeks are crazy for me schedule wise, so I don’t know that I could put the effort into eating & making sure the big lifting days are where they need to be. Giving 100% into an “easier” program might be better than 80% into this, so we will see

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PM workout

Press 4x5, 1x7x160
Pauses bench 5x10x155
Hammer curls w/2 sec pause at top 4x18x20
Skullcrushers w/2 sec pause at bottom 4x18x45
Band pull aparts 4x30

Presses felt HEAVY, so 7x160 was a win. My all time best set of press is 10x160, so I was a bit off of that, but that’s after 4 other heavy sets, so I could maybe beat that if I was fresh. Still brainstorming my options for the next couple weeks of training

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AM workout

20 min airdyne- 7.68 miles

Made sure to start a little faster than I had been normally, & I was still comfortably able to pick up the pace towards the end. One of these times I want to just let it rip & make it a baseline conditioning test. Not sure if I’d go max distance in 20 mins, 10 miles for time, or something else. We’ll see. But it is nice to see my paces consistently rising in spite of effort level remaining pretty constant. Just trusting the process & it is working for conditioning

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PM workout

Power cleans- doubles up to 265
Front squat 3x10x175
C2b pull-ups 5x8
Split squat 3x5x40 lb db’s in each hand
Nordic hamstring negatives 3x5
Dead bugs 3x20

Power cleans were without chalk. I have super sweaty hands, so that makes it very difficult to pull hard without chalk, so 265 for a double is really solid. Chalk always moves way quicker & adds quite a bit of weight. Happy with this for the day all things considered, as 265x2 is nothing to scoff at


AM workout

Bench 5x5x225
Press w/ pause at chin 5x10x105
Barbell curls 4x10x75
Band push downs 4x30
Band pull aparts 4x30

Today marks the end of this run of bullmastiff for me. Hitting 5x5 with 2 plates on bench is a really solid end to the program, as I’ve never done that before. I will definitely run this again sometime in the future, probably not long from now. But for the next 3 ish weeks…

Plan is to lift full body three days a week. Equipment will be varied based on if I’m traveling or not, so I’m not setting a strict schedule of each lift per day, but I’ll do some kind of lower body movement (squats or cleans most likely) then a press, a pull, and maybe an assistance movement. Plan is to go low volume, but push strength with heavy weight. I don’t plan on gaining weight in this time. After that, I just may run building the monolith again. I ran it about a year ago, & it’s probably tied with super squats for toughest program I have ran. I haven’t done ANY dips, & not many pull-ups for the last few months, so I feel like those would trigger some insane growth. My press & bench were also the highest they had ever been (until now really) right after running that. I hit 160x10 press & 225x10 bench at the end of BTM, which I may be able to beat now, but it would be tough. Which also speaks to how solid of a program bullmastiff is. Basically, there are a lot of really good options going forward. Gonna take a couple weeks with less volume, then jump back on the gains train towards the end of June


AM workout

25 minute airdyne- 9.42 miles

Held a really solid pace, & it still felt easy. Pretty sure I could’ve held that pace for much longer if I wanted to

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PM workout

Front squat work to 315x1
Press work to 195x1
Db curls 1x42x20 lbs

Wasn’t sure I was even going to train today for most of the day, but I knocked this out in about 30 minutes this evening. Long story short- I got it done so that’s better than nothing. Both singles were pretty heavy, but maybe had a little bit more in me. Very solid for today


AM workout

20 minute airdyne- 7.64 miles

Early morning conditioning felt good. Happy with how my pace is slowly climbing on this.

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AM workout

Double overhand RDL’s 1x5x255
Bench 1x7x225
Band push downs 1 big set
Chins 1x20
EZ bar curls 1 big set
Rear delt flies 1x20x10 lbs

Quick lifting workout with a slightly fatter, slick barbell. RDL & bench were a bit tougher than usual because of that


AM workout

20 minute spin bike

Seems like this bike should be easier than the airdyne, but I’m not used to being on one of these so it blew up the quads really well. Hopefully a pretty active day with family today, then lifting again tomorrow


AM workout

Squat 1x20x225
Press 1x13x135
T bar rows 1x25x70 lbs loaded
100 ez bar curls
100 band push downs
1x20 reverse flies

Went with heavy singles on Monday, so I did one higher rep set today. Always nice to end a workout with 100’s for arms. Gotta love filling the sleeves


Backlog from this weekend:

Some biking, a lot of walking, other general activity

Todays pm workout

Squats building to a single at 365
5 dips & 5 chins after each set (40 of each total)
Finish with 1x25 back extensions

365 felt SUPER heavy on my back, but then moved really fast. Plates were rattling easily. I just haven’t touched more than 315 in…probably over a year, so obviously it would feel like a lot on my back. Happy with how it moved, & got all this done in a little over 15 minutes after a long day of traveling home


PM workout

20 minute airdyne- 7.82 miles


PM workout

Squat 3x3x300
Press 1x6x170
Kb rows 1x40x30 lbs
Db curls 1x30x20 lbs
Band pull aparts 1x50

Technically chipped a PR on the press, although I think I could’ve squeezed another 5 lbs out of that set. Squats were moderately heavy, & got a little bit of volume while moving the bar fast. Rest of today was one big set of pump work, which is always a good way to end. I’ve started coaching for my high schools summer strength & conditioning program this week, & man I am worn out from walking so much. My feet haven’t adapted to all the work either, so basically I’m a little bit wrecked from just being on my feet all day. But training keeps moving along. This lower volume period is coming at a good time though


PM workout

20 minute airdyne- 7.92 miles

Started aggressive with the pace & held on. Good stuff today. Effort has been creeping up. This still isn’t all out, but definitely more out of breath than a cruising pace when I finish


AM workout

RDL 2x10x185
Bench 3x245, 2x255
Back extension 2x15
Plank 2x1:00
Band pull aparts 2x25
Dips rest pause until 50
Barbell curls rest pause until 50

Not sure if I could have made the third rep on 255 on bench, but I had no spotter, & my 5 month old daughter was in the garage watching me…so I didn’t go for it. Bench is tough. Got a bunch of other work in afterwards, including a little bit of pressing volume with the dips. Not a bad session today…though I greatly prefer pressing heavy as opposed to benching


AM workout

30 minute airdyne- 11.17 miles

50 chins

Good, simple session today. Glad to get some extra pulling volume in. My chest is a bit sore from the dips yesterday, & I’m thinking my lats will be tomorrow since I haven’t done this much volume (or density) of chins in a really long time.


AM workout

Squat 1x4x335
Press 3x5x155
Barbell rows 4x10x135
Planks 2x1:00
Back extensions 2x15

Generally get achy & kind of slow on the squats, so I settled for 4 instead of my original plan of 5-6. I can tell my back is starting to ache a bit from working at higher percentages for the last 5-6 weeks. I’m going on vacation from Wednesday through the end of the week, & upon returning I’m planning to start an actual program again. My first thought right now is to do BBB krypteia, as I’d get a lot of volume, lighter weights, & improve my conditioning a bit. I may go in a different direction, but that’s my game plan for right now


PM workout

20 minute airdyne- 8.22 miles

I just keep finding more in the well as I dig in on the bike. Still not going max effort, but speed continues going up