Track and Field/Sprinting; What performance enhancers to use

I’m currently 20 years old and I’ve not competed in around 2 years since I officially quit track and field. My Pr’s were 100m:11.7, 200m:23.2, 400m;51.9 and these were in around a year of taking track serious, I weight 143Lbs . I’m wondering what fairly safe PEDS I could use to improve my times and how would I cycle them. I’m currently looking at testosterone, but I’m not sure any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

None. You are way to young to start messing with your hormones/reproductive system. Your body/brain is not done developing yet.
You can improve your times by putting the work in.
What are you currently doing in the gym?


Anavar, Turinabol tabs, Human Growth Hormone - Genotropin, Humatrope Lilly® (HGH)

Would you give this same advice to your 20yr. old son?

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About all I have to say is that many of those that are gifted with sprinters speed are also gifted to get much bigger lifting weights. Sprinters have a large percentage of fast twitch muscle, which responses very well to resistance training.

My suggestion is to get into a good resistance training program and put on some muscle.

A multitude of members on this forum ask if they have the genetics to build a good physique. My bet is that you do. If i were you, I wouldn’t let it stop at sprinting speed. I would be hitting the weights. You are not a highly gifted sprinter or your 100 meter times would be in the low 10’s. But you are much more gifted than the average of the population.


Are you a woman because, if you’re a man, you’re too slow to be competitive at a high level, forget about elite level. PEDs won’t help.


Just saying…

Bro… steroids are for people who are done maturing and actually know how to lift weights. Not kids messing around

I’d argue they’re more for people recovering from muscle wasting diseases and other such maladies myself.


I guess he’ll need to wait 50 years to compete.

Not to be offensive dude but um… you suck at running if these are your times. Not worth PEDs at all. I was a DI track guy (not a sprinter) and unless your currently at sub 10.5/21/48 what is even the point?

This is like asking about PEDs for powerlifting but you bench 135.


You are just not a good sprinter. Those times are very very slow. You could take a medicine cabinet full of PEDs and you’d still suck.

Just don’t indulge. Try working out, IF you still want to sprint or do sprinter workouts look up Tony Holler “Feed The Cats” and watch his stuff.
Drug are bad umkay

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None, really. You could maybe think about recovery efforts, maybe, non-hormonal at this point since you’re so young.