Total T in 400s on 200mg/Wk

I do MWF injections. I do 62.5, 62.5 and 75 mg. I figure a bit more on Friday to last through the extra day.

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I switched to a private doctor who was more concerned about my symptom resolution (without going crazy) end dropped my doc who said a peak of 500ish with zero symptom resolution was great and heā€™d see me in 6 months.

HCT is fine. I donā€™t do anything to manage estrogen and have no idea what it is, Iā€™d have to look back at bloodwork.

You on the 200 mg/wk train now? I was thinking you were on 150 mg/wk. FWIW, I started on 150 mg/wk, and now at 200 mg/wk.

Yea thanks my doc said when I hit the 433 mark he said thatā€™s right where we want to be lolā€¦ went to endo instead of figuring out why I need a higher dose recommends that I stop trt and go to clomid!

Started at 100 then 150 been at 200 since November and that is what got me to mid 400s total t

I would caution to not get wrapped up in the numbers, but go by symptom resolution. Iā€™m not saying if you feel good at 1500+ TT and off the charts free t to stay there, but be open to feeling good even if the numbers are ā€œlowā€. I did read where you havenā€™t seen any symptom resolution, but you may need more than test. I strongly suggest getting your diet and workout stuff in order.

You know what happens would you put race gas in a normal car? THey run like shit. Same thing for normal gas in a race car.

No, no longer on that dose. I try to never say on here what Iā€™m at because everyone would claim itā€™s a permablast even though my labs at peak are basically the same as everyone elseā€™s. My body just hates me and drugs and needs more of everything to notice, wether thatā€™s Tylenol or caffeine or testosterone :joy:

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People can label it a permablast if they want. If your blood work and blood pressure are good, I wouldnā€™t worry too much (given that you are taking sane amounts).

I donā€™t give a ratā€™s ass if I am on the same playing field as everyone else, as long as what I am doing isnā€™t likely causing harm.

Yea thatā€™s true, I should probably have that attitude :joy: blood values and all health markers are definitely sane, the dosage is questionable but the multiple labs back up that my body just doesnā€™t use drugs very well.

Chris is politely asking have you done anything to get your Sh!t together since in the last 5 months. Iā€™ve seen other replies, but not a reply to this question.

And itā€™s telling .

Seems like the main goal here is getting the numbers up cause 400ā€™s canā€™t be rightā€¦

Remember 400s is trough. All the other days you are higher than this

Can you post your entire lipid , cbc , thyroid and metabolic panels?

Maybe your adrenals are an issue creating similar symptoms.

Whatā€™s your dhea-s and AM Cortisol?

I think itā€™s good to see the bigger/whole picture.

You after pushing 53hct and are thinking of going higher, wtf

With 3 injections a week thereā€™s not much trough

With an shbg of 18 his free t may be just fine. Needs to investigate further.

True. Idk whatā€™s normal, but my SHGB was around 13 or so and my free was low as well. Idk if thatā€™s normal though

Back in September about 320. Been working on it. Do good for awhile then I get sick same thing everytime. Sinus infections worse fatigue ectā€¦Still working out 4-5 days a week. Diet could be better for sure.

My am cortisol was 1.6 and have had no energy. Tested for addisons or adrenal fatigue. Failed one of tests but he says I am fine because the 60min one I passed. My am cortisol on that day was 8.6. Not sure why he didnā€™t test acth to rule out secondary. The reason I got cortisol checked is because I have felt like shit for so long and the testosterone hasnā€™t helped so I keep looking. Still not convinced my cortisol is working properly. Diet needs to get better

. Ps I hit some limit on posts so this will come in six hours when I can post again six hours over lol

I will try to respond to everyone again just donā€™t want to run out of replyā€™s again.

@Chris_Colucci we run out of posts now!?

LH 0.2
Prolactin 8.0
Psa. 1.91
Vitamin d 23.5 I know itā€™s garbage doing 5000iu daily but havenā€™t tested since
Dhea havenā€™t tested

This is a problem.

Dhea-s is also an indicator of adrenal issues cause itā€™s produced by the adrenals.

You may need to see a different endocrinologist. And read about adrenal insufficiency and fatigue.

I know vit c supports adrenals. Iā€™ve read ppl take 500 mg 2-3x a day.

I didnā€™t see your metabolic panel, we can see liver and kidney function their.

Also starting trt with adrenals not working, will not help.

I def would not inject any increased amount until you investigate. This is complicated stuff and you need at least an endocrinologist who is great at adrenals. Fix that first.

Ok thanks what would kidney and liver function be under?
Not sure if this is what you meant? Not sure where to find liver?

Hopefully Iā€™m not burning up all my replies lolā€¦

I am a member of addisons and adrenal fatigue forums ectā€¦ they say itā€™s one of the hardest things to get diagnosed with. In fact if I didnā€™t ask for half of these blood tests they wouldnā€™t of happened especially cortisol. Asked him to check I think itā€™s called aldosterone and he said it wasnā€™t necessary.

Itā€™s just hard to to find a good endo for this in Montana. Hard to find a good testosterone doctor as well. Thatā€™s why I hit these places up. Just because I swear half of these docs donā€™t know what the hell they are doing.