Total T. Free T

60 yr old Male, injecting 0.2ml of 200mg/ml 3 days a week subcutaneous. MWF, T TH SAT, injecting 200 IU of HCG.

Taking pumpkin seed oil 3 times a day
Lycopene and lysine to help prevent DHT.

Recent blood work showed Total T at 649 which is ok, Free T was at 29. I got fussed at by the doctor for it being up that high.

What is your guys opinions

I feel good at this level, not sure why I’m up so high

You must be a low SHBG guy to have such high Free T, we really need a full set of labs including ranges in order to provide more feedback.

Sounds like you are dealing with loads of ache, if so lowering the test dosage will take care of the excess DHT. I have a lot of ache myself in the 600 ranges because I’m low SHBG like you, I score very similar numbers to you (677/FT 29.6). I find that I respond strongly to TRT injecting 15-18mg EOD, twice weekly and my results are mediocre.

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I was disappointed the doc didn’t run Sex binding hormone. Not a whole lot of body aches, slightly stiff after sitting a while. Ive also been eating a ketogenic diet for about 10yrs now. She (doc) was upset because I went to long between lab work ups. Also because I asked her to write the script for 2mls a week because of cost. She didn’t like that, pretty much told me to find a new doc.

If you miss the lab check-ins they will think you are cheating and they will take away TRT from you, if something happens to you they’re responsible. 2mls a week is 400mg, you make it sound like you want to blast and cruise and totally understand why she was uncomfortable with that request. It’s no wonder she told you to go somewhere else.

She knew I was only injecting 0.6 MLS a week. I went over a year not having to purchase any because my previous doc wrote the script like that for me, said he’s no longer around