In honour of my 2112st post, I feel the need to post an epic song from my favourite band of all time, Rush.
That is all.
(Even if you can’t stand Rush, fast forward to around 7:00 of the second video. If you can’t appreciate the awesomeness that follows you’re probably have oozing sores and very few friends)
The second time I saw Rush all my buddies and I dropped two hits of acid each and timed our “peak” for Rush. FM was the back-up band, awesome band BTW. Nash the Slash with a fucking laser beam violin FTW!
Anyway just as we all were tripping out Rush opened with 2112 (which we correctly anticipated) huge flashpots go off with the intro. My one friend went completetly green and had to leave the show lol. He was fine untill those flashpots went off poor fucker. None of us helped him out. It’s fucking Rush dude haha, see you in the car after the show, here’s the car keys.
Nards, Roll the Bones is awfull, just plain awfull. Jump the shark moment for me as a Rush fan.
Here is what I consider one of the most underrated songs from THE most underrated album in the Rush canon…The Necromancer, from Caress of Steel.
This is probably the heaviest song they’ve ever recorded. Shrieking guitars and a big, mean bassline. They absolutely tear it up starting at about 1:38 of the second clip