I have been spending all my time reading back issues so that I am qualified to post more. Read, read, read, learn, learn, learn…lift, lift, lift…then eat and repeat.
Maybe I would have more to say if more of you would post pics for me to drool over…but NOOOOOOOO!
I am shock that Christian Thibaudeau posted that much info on this web. I really wish I made it to that seminar now ;(. Oh Well. I guess I go to the next one :-).
DocT I work a 40 work week soon to be 60-70 if I decide to take on more clients. Plus this year I am going to 2 fantasy football team to run. One team is going to kick your ass Doc.
Least you beat me at something.
Well this, and getting to the top of the hill… hahaha
shit its too easy!
Even easier than beating the crap out of Harbour…
im going to cry now…