Too Much Protein?

So I have a pretty high protein diet, eating decent protein in every meal. I tend to alternate between fish chicken and red meats. So i’m wondering is it a good idea to take protein supplments on top of my high protein diet? Should I just stick to natural protein or will protein supplements help me?

Provide your bodyweight, body fat %, training plan, goals, and the exact amount of protein you already take in everyday. It’s impossible to know the answer without this information.

[quote]shizen wrote:
So I have a pretty high protein diet, eating decent protein in every meal. I tend to alternate between fish chicken and red meats. So i’m wondering is it a good idea to take protein supplments on top of my high protein diet? Should I just stick to natural protein or will protein supplements help me?[/quote]

Why do you want to take protein supplements if you are already getting adequate protein from whole foods? Ultimately whole foods are the best option. Powders are great, but only if you need the extra intake, and aren’t getting it from your diet.

How much do you weigh, and how many grams of protein are you taking in?

Yup, can’t really answer that without more info. But, having some fast digesting whey protein (Grow!) around for post workout drinks and the occasional rushed meal can’t hurt.

It depends on your goals. If you are shooting for the bodybuilder look and gains to get you there, then supplementing with protein shakes is a good idea. If you just want to maintain good health and are eating plenty of protein that can be alright.

If bodybuilding is what you are shooting for it’s hard to get an equal amount of grams of protein to equal body-weight pounds from eating protein alone. Hence supplementing with shakes.


Sorry for the late response but here is some more information. Im 270 pounds about 6’8. I dont have a strict diet right now but i’ll give you a sample of what I eat average. Typicaly wake up have eggs, meat patty bread and glass of milk. Lunch comes around have a hamburger usualy with some more milk. Then dinner would be quite a few chicken servings. My workout is atm to build explosivness and strength, I do some running and stregth training for sports.