I’ve been dieting since January 1st, as you have maybe seen in @brownbear1968 s thread.
I read an article on here about Tongkat Ali and since I’m in Europe and Biotest’s Alpha Male with shipping is very expensive, I wanted to give another reputable brand from here a chance to shine, as I was very intrigued about it. I’ve been taking it now at 50 mg of a 50:1 extract (so 2.5 g of raw Tongkat went in that; Alpha Male contains double that in one pill).
Here’s my experience:
First the good things:
Although I’m dieting my strength didn’t decrease very much. I think that’s partly due to the Tongkat. As I feel better, I think my workouts haven’t suffered as much as they normally would. Also I think i didn’t lose any muscle at least according to my measurements.
Erection quality is way better than before taking it, saw an improvement the first day I took it. Might be from the PDE-5 inhibition. Nice anyways. Especially on diets when libido is lower, it’s good when everything’s working still really good all day.
Overall mood is up. I’m more talkative and more motivated to interact with others although I’m on a diet which now is pretty harsh. Big plus!
I nearly caught a cold 3 times in the last 10 weeks (diets always have that effect on me). But the sore throat always vanished after a day. I have the feeling this could be attributed to the Tongkat to maybe 10-20%.
Bad things:
- After taking it I get very thirsty. Two hours after taking it I usually down a bottle of water. I’d have to read the studies again to see what’s causing this or if there’s even a mechanism proposed. Maybe it’s just me.
No other downsides. Nothing.
I’m so excited about finding a supplement that works, I can’t believe it haha.
I’m gonna buy me some Biotest next time to thank you guys in the US for making me aware.
I’m gonna take a break from the Tongkat for probably a few weeks after the diet just to get reexposure data afterwards. And I’m gonna take it during my next the bulk which I can then compare to my last.
Every man that’s thinking about it, give it a try!