Told to Use Sustanon for 6 Weeks

I’m 6’7 230 lbs. My goals are to put on 30 lbs of muscle. I eat well and have a good diet. I’ve been training for about 5 years. I have been told to use Sustanon 250, 30 militers, 1.5 CC every other day for a little over 6 weeks. Then I will use PCT. Let me know what you all think thanks.

[quote]SuperHuman25 wrote:
I’m 6’7 230 lbs. My goals are to put on 30 lbs of muscle. I eat well and have a good diet. I’ve been training for about 5 years. I have been told to use Sustanon 250, 30 militers, 1.5 CC every other day for a little over 6 weeks. Then I will use PCT. Let me know what you all think thanks.[/quote]

for real?

Who told you that? 1.5 cc’s EOD? Holy shit thats a lot of test.

I’d suggest you do some more research on this.

1.3 grams of Test per week huh?

That’s just being a glutton IMO

What do you all recommend then? 1.5 CC every 4th or 5th day? Keep in mind I want to gain 30 lbs of muscle, I dont mind if im not cut, i would consider winstrol after.

I think you are a long time away from being ready for this cycle.

Read the sticky about cycle planning

[quote]SuperHuman25 wrote:
What do you all recommend then? 1.5 CC every 4th or 5th day? Keep in mind I want to gain 30 lbs of muscle, I dont mind if im not cut, i would consider winstrol after. [/quote]

Beef with a potato kick and a water tail
thats my stack for ya

Do what bonez said then come back and lay out a logical cycle for us and you will get the help you want.

First of all holy crap 6’7. Good for you.

Way too much test, and for a short period of time.

Id run perhaps 10 weeks on a lower dose with an AI.

You could run a 6 week onslaught if you wanted, but Id rather be on 10 weeks at a lower dose than 6 weeks at a somewhat excessive dose.

If you want 30 pounds I would highly recommend the standard 500mg/week with a dbol kickstart and a PCT.

Read the newbie cycle sticky, a simple, effective cycle is what your looking for.

So your thinking run a 10 week cycle with Dbol as kick start huh? how many weeks would i take the Dbol, the first 4? Keep in mind I will be working out everyday very hard because of how much test Ill have in my system.

Working out more won’t alleviate the amount of test in your system. You grow outside of the gym. You will recover faster, but you aint gonna change physics.

Before you start this little experiment, have you determined how much you are going to eat every day?

Im looking at 4,000 calories a day. Should i increase that or decrease. High protein diet.

That means absolutely nothing - it is relative to what you eat now…

4000 seems pretty damn low any way you look at it, IMO

[quote]SuperHuman25 wrote:
So your thinking run a 10 week cycle with Dbol as kick start huh? how many weeks would i take the Dbol, the first 4? Keep in mind I will be working out everyday very hard because of how much test Ill have in my system.[/quote]

First 3-4 weeks is standard.

Id say 4, the toxicity of dbol is overstated, as long as your not going over 6-7 weeks your fine.

Working out everyday, even on test is a bad plan.

Look up a good 5 day split. This is just the sample one that alot of people use:

Mon: Chest
Tues: Back
Wed: Off
Thur: Arms
Fri: Legs
Sat: Shoulders
Sun: Off

If you want 30 pounds youll need alot more than 4000, Id say somewhere near 6k is more like it.

Im 6 foot 240 and I can barely grow on 4k I use 5-6k normally. If you want to be 260 your probably going to have to eat more than me.

But try 6k first.

Thankyou Westclock that sounds like a good plan, i will build my workout and cycle around that.