Hey guys, just came across an article about the exercise portion of the Lion’ Den (Ken Shamrock’s) tryout. You know the 500 squats-100pushups-100crunches-20chins?
You guys state that the fighters use this as a foundation of their routines. You also state that they perform weighted exercises as well, however you don’t mention the 2 most important points or questions one might have about including this type of training.
How often do the fighters perform this routine per week? How many circuits per session?
2)How do they (or how would we as bbs)incorporate our usual weighted sessions with this “foundation”.
I’d be mighty happy if you bros would maybe give Mr. Dangerous a call and ask him for all of us. It’ll only take a minute or two of your precious time (bwwaaahahaha…precious time)and would help out a bunch of us who are interested in this subject. thanks guys you’re the best.
Yeah I’d also be interested in how this is done. Do they do all the reps in a row?
I know somebody on another board had been lifting for 20 years, and switched to an all bodyweight workout, said he was more ripped than anytime in his life.
They suggest doing them in one complete circuit, then do another if you can handle it; but what I’m interested in is how many times this “foundation” is performed per week and how to work it in with a regular bodybuilding split program. I’m going to send this to “reader mail” maybe I can get an answer that way.
Well, what professional fighters do and what you do would be different anyway. But that aside, read the book “Inside the Lion’s Den” (where we got the info for that article) and the recent T-mag interview with Frank Shamrock. That should help you out.