To My O-35 Brothers: Merry Christmas!

Hey guys/gals -

Just in case anyone is away from the forums over the next few days or so, I’d like to extend a VERY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays to you all!

You’re a great group of big, strong humans. Very inspiring.

Wish y’all the best!



Great idea with this thread.

Merry Christmas to everyone!! Thanks for all the motivation and education you’ve all given me this past year. Like SD said eat big.

Ummmm… I, uh, I, I, I, ok, I love you guys…

seriously, best online community here. feel genuine friendship. Except from Steve. He gets creepy sometime. And that cannuck. And that strong dude from Virginia. All these sex/gay references. j/k

I actually mean it. love this place.

Merry Christmas, everyone! Enjoy large quantities of inexpensive ham and turkey! Shame it ain’t on sale like that all year!

Merry Christmas. Happy Hannukah. Happy Kwaanza.

May your family times be pleasant ones, your trials few and bearable and may everyone feel the love and generosity that the holidays symbolize.

Have a great Holiday People,

and thanks for all the motivation and lessons.


Merry KwanMasKah to all!

I really appreciate this forum. You guys make it what it is, and I’m grateful to be a small part of it.

Everyone have a great holidaze!

Mery Christmas to all.

This is really the best community I am part of when it comes to lifting.

My hat is off to all of you.

Thank you for taking the time to post in my thread and help me out when I was down .

Thank you

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Its been a great lifting year for me, and I am very thankful for this forum and its members. I have learned a lot more here than anywhere else and really appreciate the support and friendship. I’ll try and get caught up on everyone’s threads in between naps and meals.

Thank you all,


I’m tryin to hit all but it’s Christmas eve, I’m home with my family, no one’s shooting at me, I’ve already been into the Jameson’s, just lit up a stogie, so MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.

Thank you all for the inspiration!

Happy Holidays! (whichever’s appropriate)

May you all have a stellar New Year…

Merry X-Mas to all…

On Christmas Day

Skip the gym (go the next day instead)

Drink Egg Nog

Eat heartily

Enjoy good company

Sleep a little less than 8 hours

Laugh and sing

Don’t count grams of protein

Just be merry…

Then go back the next day into the squat rack and kick ass for another year!

…and to all a good night!

Indeed…I am truly thankful for this forum and all you folks who make it what it is. Many of you are friends, if not extended family. Thank you…

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays to all the gentlemen lifters in this forum. Many thanks to you all for posting your helpful and informative training logs and videos.

As has been said above, Happy Holidays!

Thanks for the responses to my questions and for posting … it is always informative.

Best wishes for the New Year.

Happy Festivus and may you all be victorious in the Feats of Strength.

Merry Christmas guys, thanks you the guys in this forums I’ve made more progress this year than ever. That it comes through associating with so many fine individuals is an even greater pleasure.

All the best.

[quote]SteelyD wrote:
Hey guys/gals -

PS: EAT BIG![/quote]


A Merry Christmas to everyone.

Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus, Kwaanza, Chanukkah and the rest… I hope the weather is behaving better for everyone today. Be good to yourselves and your families. Peace!