Just in case you might know…Do you know of ANY [text]books on an intruduction to the following: “Chemistry, biochemistry, and nutritional biochemistry”. I’m interested in these subjects and would like to know if you can recommend something. And if so what knowlegde would I require before proceeding to the above? Why ask someone with T-Mag? Brilliant chemists maybe? No flames please. Thanks. Take care.
Organic Chemistry by Vollhardt & Schore did it for me & I don’t even like that crap. They’ve got a website here www.whfreeman.com/ vollhardtschore/ Inorganic was a lot more interesting I found, though.
Oh…also my interest is in BIOchemistry in particular (esecially as pertains to the human body and nutrition). But Chemistry would be a prerequisite anyhow.
In either organic chemistry or biochemistry,
I don’t think it makes a great deal of difference which textbook is used. I preferred using several, but that’s a matter of learning style. Some do better poring over one text again and again and again, while others do better reading several single texts only once or twice each.
In biochemistry I do think the Lippincott
review books are helpful. In organic chemistry, useful supplements to texts include
the “Exam File” books and the Schaum’s Outlines. (I may not have all these names exactly correct.)
Thanks Bill I appreciate it. I mention which books since I’m a relative novice in this. Believe it or not but T-Mag inspired my interest in the subject. Fascinating stuff. So I was looking for a textbook that is for beginners in this field. Thanks again. Take care…
I forget the title, but there is a text commonly used for one-semester courses in organic chemistry (generally, it’s a two semester course) which is actually quite good and would be ideal for a beginner. The title indicates the one-semester nature.