To Anyone Doing 5/3/1

[quote]ecogenx wrote:

[quote]mejho wrote:

[quote]ecogenx wrote:

[quote]mejho wrote:

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]mejho wrote:

My comment had nothing to do with a pissing match. [/quote]
Thank goodness because after the age of 35 none of us can piss very far. [/quote]

Only the first one of the day goes far![/quote]
Is that the one at 1:30 am,2:30 am or 5:30 am?[/quote]

I am fortunate that I have none of the middle of the night piss calls. I sleep soundly from midnight to 6:00am. Then get out the way cause I have got to go!

Well guys back back to fixing your benches and presses.

[quote]soldog wrote:
HA - so the pissing has now completely hijacked Fisher’s thread![/quote]
I was trying to defuse a stressfull situation. Didn’t mean to hijack.

[quote]ecogenx wrote:

[quote]soldog wrote:
HA - so the pissing has now completely hijacked Fisher’s thread![/quote]
I was trying to defuse a stressfull situation. Didn’t mean to hijack.[/quote]

and I was trying to continue the amusing hijack - but failed miserably…

No stress here at all.

some things I was thinking on when I was grilling lunch.

Reasons for backing up 10% and starting there (hell I have my clients take 15% off for upper body).

  1. To learn form.
  2. To find out your weaknesses.
  3. To expiremnt a little on your assistance exercises and then really start to work on them.

reasons to do a deload

  1. To learn that you need to take a break every couple of weeks from the heavy lifting.
  2. To add to #1 if very well conditioned/good recovery or 3 days a week I let clients go through 2 cycles before a deload.

Assistance exercises

  1. Some I treat as another Primary movement and do a 5x5 on these like Good mornings,single leg, pendlay rows
  2. to build volume into the routine
  3. to build muscle or pump up to appease the clients (or myself) cuz it is fun


  1. don’t have to do lot to lift heavy weights
  2. better to be Fit and Strong than Fat and Strong
  3. Better overall health and lifetyle


  1. most problems can be centered here: Not getting stronger/ eat more/ eat more protein
  2. Talk to a strength and conditioning coach on how to eat

Edit: Again these are my thoughts and observations. I think the 5/3/1 is the best program over a long term plan to follow and teach.

[quote]FISCHER613 wrote:
My twist on 5/3/1. After the “money set” go an do 3 sets of 5 at 80% of Training Max weight. .[/quote]

Are you having them do this every week or just 5/3/1 week?

Thanks for your valuable insights BTW.

Every week


I’m just starting to add a few more sets after my working sets but in the last few workouts I was pushing around 8 reps at 70% to 75% actual 1RM which equates to wendlers ~80%. Hadn’t considered lowering the reps and adding a few more sets.

How did you come up with this “accessory” plan because it isn’t BBB or Triumvant or any other additional plan that Jim as laid out.

I’m whicha that some like me need a little more than the basic sets on certain lifts. Just curious how you landed on this one.

I likeit. :slight_smile:

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
I do need to work through some sensitivity issues. I was planning on getting right on that after I fixed my bench and press.

By the way, welcome to the O-35 forum. I’m usually not this pissy, but I recently cut ice cream out of my diet. My wife and kid now spend most of the day hiding in the closet. [/quote]

Jack, just so long as YOU aren’t hiding in the closet…

sorry, couldn’t resist.

[quote]Oldman Powers wrote:

How did you come up with this “accessory” plan because it isn’t BBB or Triumvant or any other additional plan that Jim as laid out.

I’m whicha that some like me need a little more than the basic sets on certain lifts. Just curious how you landed on this one.

I likeit. :-)[/quote]

Trial and error with clients and with myself. I work with certain populations that I think Wendler does not work with much ( Non-powerlifting older gents, normal un-athletic people)Put it bluntly I work with people who have me do all the research for them concerning lifting/nutrition/fitness.

I really like how the 3x5@80% sets puts to rest the notion if you feel you worked enough after doing your top set.

Also this Template is a sliding modification in that the extra 3 sets @ 80% will go up or down ( number of sets)depending on how the client did the reps on the top set or when truly getting close to their true 1 rm in which we usually reduce the back off sets.

Doogie and I have had this discussion about the max effort etc with 5/3/1. Lifting is all personal some can do better than others at certain lifts we all know this. There are going to be variations to 5/3/1 that have merit. My opinion is that you have to concentrate on certain lifts for cycles. I have been working on posterior chain for a year (to many years of benching). So I hit the dead and squat hard, and back off the bench and military/push press.

[quote]FISCHER613 wrote:

[quote]ckallander wrote:
I run it Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri and think it works great that way. I suppose it depends on how much extra work you’re doing besides the core 5/3/1 work. Good tips though.[/quote]

No offense intended here: If that is a recent photo of yourself you are still a beginner and anything works at this stage. Keep lifting and grow brother.


None taken. I am clearly a beginner as I have less than one year of barbell experience. I understand once my lifts progress to an intermediate level that I will probably need go to a mon/wed/fri routine. Which is what I like since I began with starting strength.