TM79's Training Journal

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!


Yesterday’s Cals: I’m not going to answer that question. But I will say that I have become a more “well-rounded” person over the last few days.

15 Minute HIIT Ride – Cody Rigsby
Total Output: 178 kj
Calories: 210 kcal
Avg Cadence: 75 rpm
Avg Speed: 21.1 mph
Distance: 5.26 miles
Avg Output: 198 watts
Avg Resistance: 53%

Gym – Whole Body

HS IL Leg Press
8x90 PS

Rogers Row
8x135 PS


Leg Raises

LF Leg Extensions


HS IL Bench Press
3(10x45 PS)

30:00, 297 Cals, 126 BPM

Comments: Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I started off in the garage with a frigid Peloton ride. The door was open and it was about 33 degrees for that one. Then went to the gym and did a quick whole body session. Had a work meeting at 9:00AM so I ran short on time.

I re-aggravated my sciatic nerve/tail bone pain over the holiday. I think it may have been as simple as slouching while sitting on the couch. I have a follow appointment at the ortho today, though, and should hopefully get some direction.


LoL. I too am a more well rounded individual after this week of eats. :laughing:

Awesome pace on that peloton ride Trent! Followed up by a nice gym session as well.

Hopefully the ortho brings some a great treatment plan for you today.

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Yesterday’s Cals: 3,000/-

45 Minute Power Zone Endurance Rock Ride – Matt Wilpers
Total Output: 581 kj
Calories: 695 kcal
Avg Cadence: 76 rpm
Avg Speed: 21.9 mph
Distance: 16.43 miles
Avg Output: 215 watts
Avg Resistance: 55%
Avg HR: 154 bpm

Extra 10 Low Impact Ride – Cody Rigsby
3 Miles, 123 kcal, 136 bpm

Comments: Good ride. I can’t believe I finished at almost 22 mph pace and was still about 40 kj short of my 45 minute PR. That must have been one hell of a ride that day. LOL

Ortho Update (Sorry for the long post): I went to the Ortho yesterday and I have a herniated (extruded) disc at the L5 vertebrae. My plan for now is going to be to get a steroid injection and try to let this heal naturally.

I have thoroughly enjoyed, not only learning how to do these lifts, but going heavy on squats and deadlifts and hitting weights that I never would have imagined over the last decade. To be fair, about 5 years ago I stopped linear progression and settled on more of a maintenance routine where I kept the weight manageable and only “went heavy” maybe once every 2 months. At this point, however, it seems pretty obvious that even that may not be a good fit for me. It may be time to call it quits and go with safer alternatives. According to the Ortho, even if this heals, there will always be a tear in the lining of the disc and therefore I will always be susceptible to this happening again. If this won’t heal naturally, I can look at having surgery but the recovery seems pretty strict and would leave me almost unable to do any sort of training or any physical activity (other than walking) for up to 3 months. That doesn’t sound good to me. For now, I will probably stop lifting legs heavily and will try to tweak my programming to keep my spine unloaded and in a neutral position. I will see how that works and hope for the best… Going for a heavy single on squats and deads was the highlight of my training and I will definitely miss it, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. In the mean time I’ll keep watching some of the rest of you get after it. :sunglasses:


Smoking pace again Trent. Yeah man, 22 MPH is damn fast for an average pace.

You will find a great work around for this Trent. I am sure of that.

Leg day that doesn’t load spine:
Seated leg press machine if available where the weight is in front of you and not above you.
Leg extensions
Leg curls
Good girl/bad girl machine
Calf raises
Belt squats
BOOM. :slight_smile:

Your gym has a ton of stuff for back work that won’t need any loading of the spine either. So you will be fine.


Thanks Shane. Yep, I had planned to start doing Leg Press/Cybex Squat Press/HS IL Leg Press immediately but read that even those cause some flex in the spine that may prevent the disc from healing. In the meantime I may just switch to body weight stuff, goblet squats, etc. instead of a pressing machine. And of course, do the rest of the ones you listed. Then a few months from now if all is feeling good I may slowly introduce the leg press type of stuff back in. It’s gonna be an adventure… :older_man:t3:


Yeah leg press is tricky. You have to keep your spine from rotating. Biggest way to do that is to not go to deep. There are a ton of other alternatives though that you really don’t even need those at all either. Heck lunges, even bodyweight ones, for enough reps kick my ass.

At least you are smart and are adjusting and listening to your body. You could have just pushed through and ended up really hurting yourself. By stopping short of doing that you have guaranteed that there is adventure ahead with new ideas for training instead of being in too much pain to do anything at all.

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Wall sits?

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Yesterday’s Cals: 3,000/-400

15 Minute Climb Ride – Ben Aldis
Total Output: 206 kj (PR by 3 kj)
Calories: 226 kcal
Avg Cadence: 72 rpm
Avg Speed: 22.3 mph
Distance: 5.56 miles
Avg Output: 229 watts
Avg Resistance: 58%
Avg HR: 151 bpm

Gym – Whole Body

HS IL Shoulder Press
8x45 PS
4x65 (Go heavier next time)

Mag Pulldowns
4x220 (Hell yeah)

Reverse Lunges
3(10 Per Leg)

Hip Abduction

Hip Adduction

Pendulum Shoulder Incline
12x70 PS

Pendulum Lat Combo Pull

LF Lat Raise

Captain Chair Knee Raises


55:00, 377 Cals, 108 BPM

Comments: Started off with a frigid Peloton ride in the garage. The door was shut but it had been open while my wife got the kids loaded up to go to school. It was 25 degrees this morning. My hands were freezing for the first 5 minutes of that ride. Honestly, I wasn’t even trying to get a PR. My legs were sore from yesterday and I wasn’t thinking about it until I looked down and was only 5 kj off my PR pace with 1:00 to go. So I put the pedal to the metal and squeaked one out. I’ll take it.

Then went to the gym and managed to put together a nice session there. Normally I would have done Deadlifts/OHP/Pull-ups today. I have to say I miss doing deadlifts but I don’t “miss” doing deadlifts. :joy: Also I will be subbing in machines for OHP for a while as I read that I should stay away from that while trying to heal my back. Did some very strong sets on Mag Pulldowns. Almost got the whole stack for 4 reps. Through in some Reverse Lunges just to get some kind of leg work in. That Pendulum Shoulder Incline machine is awesome. Going to start doing that more. I am super limited as to what ab exercises I can do so I did some knee raises in the Captain Chair and had no pain so that’s good. Good session with little to no pain.


Nice job on that PR on the peloton too! I hear you on the cold. This week has been really cold! Way too cold for this southern boy.

Gym session was a great one too. That is some serious weight on those mag grip pulldowns. Must be from all those weighted pull ups you do!

Great to hear there was no pain in that session. :sunglasses:

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Yesterday’s Cals: 3,200/+200 (whoops…)


Metcon – Based on “Jared” Hero WOD
15 Rounds for Time:
1,000 Meter Bike
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups

46:05, 610 Cals, 153 BPM

Comments: This was a good one. Jared is as follows:

4 Rounds:
800 M Run
40 Pull-ups
70 Push-ups

I felt that the higher reps of pull-ups and push-ups would have made me have to take a lot more breaks. So I changed it to what I did. I ended up doing 10 less pull-ups and 20 more push-ups. I probably did a little more biking than the running equivalent too. Good stuff…


Impressive stuff, as well as good. You are an inspiration.

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Another impressive metcon Trent! That one looked like an ass kicker.

Nice way to get it done!

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Thanks Gents! Trying to keep those Murph muscles moving! :muscle:t2: