This is a set of questions for the guys who went from normal quads/posterior to very large quads. Assume nothing-special genetics. How did you do it? Was there a weight or program after which you found yourself to really grow? Do you think supplements are required for significant growth in legs for guys without great genetics?
So I went from bird legs (seriously, my whole family is built like a marshmallow with 4 toothpicks for limbs), to larger-than-average legs - nothing special, but big enough pants/shorts don’t fit right. I grew best when I went near failure with 1-3 sets on squats, with the absolute best results coming from 5/3/1 PR sets followed by a Widowmaker set. You also need to make sure you’re holding the weight in your legs the whole time and not just dive-bombing into the hole to get as much rebound as possible. Supplements didn’t do much, but creatine generally helps everyone that doesn’t have kidney/liver issues.
Squat regularly, aim to add weight to the bar over time.
High rep Squats. Check out Dan John Mass Made Simple. The Squat protocol is right on. Oh plus you can try out Chad Waterbury Hill Climb on Stationary Bike. Cyclists got massive legs.
Interesting point with cyclists, i got my best leg gains from pushing heavy prowlers and deadlift variations, i.e., all concentric work. Free weight squats did very little for my legs.
John Broz talks how you can pretty much train daily using eccentric-less movements.
I definitely have seen mass changes when doing a cycle of such.
There is more on eccentric-less or concentric-only cycles on Google.
Good article, same here, a few years i did something similar, deadlifting everyday (different variations pulling from different heights) and an OHP of some sort, id just drop the weight.
When I started my thighs were my most lacking body part. I was 6’0" and rather short waisted. It was a long uphill battle for about 8 years to achieve a relatively symmetrical look, upper to lower body.
On leg day you have nothing left for any other body part. It should be the most exhausting workout that you do.
Heavy squats and leg presses. I did parallel squats (three white lights), not ATG. At least 10 reps (worked for me), but if I had it to do again, I’d be doing 20 reps. I believe my thighs would have gotten bigger, yet.