One of the most pervasive myths in bodybuilding today is the existence of a 1-hour post workout window following our workout. In fact, for the stimulation of protein synthesis, this window lasts at least 24 hours! In keeping with this, a morning shake ? with a similar nutrient composition as our pre/post workout drink ? will have the same effect on protein synthesis! Happy growing.
Hmm. interesting T-Nation. Why though? Well, Surge, one of T-Nations own products tells us “If your goal is to gain muscle, one to two hours after consuming the drink, eat a meal consisting of 67% carbohydrates and 33% proteins.” it pretty thoroughly contradicts this new piece of info. well which is it boys?
The way I see it is that this and all the tips of the day are just that, Tips from one person to try and Help others out. Not to say that this is the best for everyone. Try it and see what works for you.
The supplement industry is in a constant state of flux. we are learning more on the supplements and how and when to use them. What does this mean with Surge for instance. Well the recommended use on the label has been and is proven to be a VERY effective way to use an Awesome supplement. Does this mean it is the absolute best way maybe not, and the best for everyone. More than likely not.
So you still have to find how things best work for you.
Also it seems that T-Nation and Biotest are at the leading Edge of all this. Constantly reformulating products to make them better once they have proof a change is needed or will advance a product. I suppose that when and if they have enough scientific info. to back up such a change in recommendation they would.
It appears to me that they go hand in hand. Point is to eat after you lift. Now research shows you can eat protein/carbs for up to 24 hours postworkout and still reep the increased protein synthesis rewards, among other things.
Oh Snap! Oh Darn! Now you’ve gone and done it! You’ve shown the T-Nation Boyz as the cons they are! Hoodwinkers! Liars! Filthy Betrayers! Oh God, I’ve been polluted by their malfesence! Two almost conflicting pieces of information available in the same place! God, wash mine eyes, for I cannot seeeeeeee!
One of the most pervasive myths in bodybuilding today is the existence of a 1-hour post workout window following our workout. In fact, for the stimulation of protein synthesis, this window lasts at least 24 hours! In keeping with this, a morning shake ? with a similar nutrient composition as our pre/post workout drink ? will have the same effect on protein synthesis! Happy growing.
Hmm. interesting T-Nation. Why though? Well, Surge, one of T-Nations own products tells us “If your goal is to gain muscle, one to two hours after consuming the drink, eat a meal consisting of 67% carbohydrates and 33% proteins.” it pretty thoroughly contradicts this new piece of info. well which is it boys?
Uh, no. Do both. I personally only have a shake after workout. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be better off with a morning shake too. Dave’s tip is recent anyhow based on the latest reserach. And a morning shake doesn’t contradict Surge’s recommendations for post-workout in any way regardless.
[quote]Vash wrote:
Oh Snap! Oh Darn! Now you’ve gone and done it! You’ve shown the T-Nation Boyz as the cons they are! Hoodwinkers! Liars! Filthy Betrayers! Oh God, I’ve been polluted by their malfesence! Two almost conflicting pieces of information available in the same place! God, wash mine eyes, for I cannot seeeeeeee!
-There IS a post workout window where you experience an increases rate of protein synthesis
-This window was formerly thought to only last one hour, maybe two at the most
-New research shows us that this window may last for up to 24 hours, and for that reason you should drink a shake in the morning when conditions are similar to post-workout (low glycogen stores)
One of the most pervasive myths in bodybuilding today is the existence of a 1-hour post workout window following our workout. In fact, for the stimulation of protein synthesis, this window lasts at least 24 hours! In keeping with this, a morning shake ? with a similar nutrient composition as our pre/post workout drink ? will have the same effect on protein synthesis! Happy growing.
Hmm. interesting T-Nation. Why though? Well, Surge, one of T-Nations own products tells us “If your goal is to gain muscle, one to two hours after consuming the drink, eat a meal consisting of 67% carbohydrates and 33% proteins.” it pretty thoroughly contradicts this new piece of info. well which is it boys?
The only way these two statements are contradictory is if you train and take your first serving of Surge while you sleep. If this is the case you should have a solid meal two hours later not (while your training and sipping on Surge in your sleep don’t forget to set the alarm for 1-2 hours after finish your shake) Barrs recommended shake upon waking.
Phew, tough thread. I see someone missing sarcasm and someone confusing Grow! with Surge as well…
Anyhow, I remember asking this question a while back. Since an anabolic response is brought about by the insulin spike and fast acting proteins in Surge, especially according to the recent research discussed here by Dave Barr, why not take Surge more than once… to try to jumpstart anabolic activity.
The idea is, that as long as the muscles are in mind to grow, and as long as they are generally carb depleted (or at least insulin sensitive) so the insulin generated doesn’t drive the blood sugar preferentially into fat, that indeed you might be able to kick start the anabolic process again.
When the muscles are NOT carb depleted (or are relatively insulin resistant), it doesn’t make sense to have such a large insulin spike, because the carbs and proteins may not end up in your muscles, causing anobolic activity, but instead in your fat cells, making you look like a blob.