12 weeks:
•Test E 550mg/wk
•Masteron E 350mg/wk
•Anavar (Wk 1-6)
•Winny 50mg ed (Wk 7-12)
•Might add HGH Frag 176-191 in as well
I’ve been cutting on a cruise (Test E 200mg) and this will be my second blast (the first one was Test E only). I’ve tried each of these compounds before except Anavar. When it comes to pairing Test with Mast, is there some sort of a proportionality recommendation for Test (for example: either higher or lower, just like when paired with Tren)? Should I frontload Mast E? I’ve picked Mast E again because it helped me with hardening before (although I took it with Tren too). Again, throughout the summer, I’m not necessarily looking to bulk; I just want to continue my cutting phase (with mini 1-week “bulks” every 4-6 weeks to help preserve muscle).
Any other recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks.
You’ve got a bit of a contradiction going on. You say this will be your second cycle and your first was Test only. Then you go on to say that you’ve tried Masteron, Winstrol and Tren. So is this really your second cycle? Or has your first cycle not been only Test?
In any case you’re not going to get many answers since you didn’t provide any stats about your lifts, physique, and/or a pic. All anyone can maybe tell you is that those compounds can be used for a moderate cutting cycle or muscle preservation cycle (given you have muscle to preserve). Just like with any AAS it can be a bulking cycle if you eat in a surplus. You just won’t hold much water unless your diet is complete shit. And @hankthetank89 will tell you don’t do cycles because cycling is stupid.
He made 2 identical topics because no one answered in the first one. This guy was given lots of advice but only cared for the parts he liked. He also weighs less that anyone should naturally, but he ignores that also. People just dont reply because there is really no point. And he never has and never will post a pic because he knows he will get shit.
I, however, am done dealing with this and i give advice only as a paid consultation or a part of coaching. People have contacted me on IG from this forum, so i will not give detailed info on cycles for free because when people pay, they actually do take the advice into consideration. This guy just wants to take multiple drugs for no reason or benefit. All his goals are achievable naturally and he has been told that by many.