Thoughts on this Test + Mast + Var/Winny Cycle?

Hi, what do guys think of this cycle?

12 weeks:
•Test E 550mg/wk
•Masteron E 350mg/wk
•Anavar (Wk 1-6)
•Winny 50mg ed (Wk 7-12)

I’ve been cutting on a cruise (Test E 200mg) and this will be my second blast (the first one was Test E only). I’ve tried each of these compounds before except Anavar. When it comes to pairing Test with Mast, is there some sort of a proportionality recommendation for Test (for example: either higher or lower, just like when paired with Tren)? Should I frontload Mast E? I’ve picked Mast E again because it helped me with hardening before (although I took it with Tren too). Again, throughout the summer, I’m not necessarily looking to bulk; I just want to continue my cutting phase (with mini 1-week “bulks” every 4-6 weeks to help preserve muscle).

Any other recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks.