I was trying to add some mass and actually have a bottle of Deca and Tren…just thought the Deca would help??? Will Nolva do for the PCT? Been trying to do some research and not ask too many dumb questions.
That would work have a friend that will take the Deca off my hands,was gonna do a back to back cycle with the Tren, but thought it would do me some good to take some time off.Had some really good gains from the last cycle.Just need to dial in the diet.So you don’t see nothing wrong with running Test for 20+ weeks…Last cycle I started the Tren and Test at the same time and ran the Tren for 10 weeks and the Test for 15 weeks.Wondering if starting just Test for 5 weeks and the throw in the Tren for 10 weeks and finish it with Test the last 5 weeks…that would clear my stash.
So your on TRT all indef? I really can feel the difference from being off the gear,makes me wanna shorten my pct. Just new to the whole gear world and proceeding with caution…has crossed my mind about staying with Test though.
A 20 week cycle is a long ass cycle. Why not consider blast/cruise instead with your various compounds? I.e. two eight week higher dose cycles, one with tren added and one with deca. Then have an eight week cruise in between on 250 test/week. This should keep myostatin from limiting the gains over a straight 20 weeks. Both tren/deca have sides so should have proper ancillaries to complement.
I am not far off in age and gear has worked well for me. I am on trt for life so not so worried about a younger guys issues. If you want to avoid trt then really pay close attention to your bloodwork and have a good medicine cabinet of ancillaries, hcg, caber, clomid, adex, etc. watch your blood pressure, RBC, and lipids. DIET IS KEY to a successful cycle. Really. You don’t run an F1 car on pump gas.
Well the Deca and Test Cyp are already sold…gonna pay for my Al and my PCT gear,but have intertained the thought of bumping them both up a little to shorten the cycle
Haven’t started yet(Aug 1st),but was thinking bumping the Test up to 675/week.(M,Th)
and the Tren to 375/week.(M,Th)…that way it will shorten it a little and the Tren won’t be every 7 days
ordering the Al and PCT gear today…they said 4 business days so it should be here right on time.