Thoughts on my First Cycle in Years?

Stats: 5’9, 205lbs, 9-10%bf
Proposed Cycle: Dbol Wk 1-4
Test E week 1-10
Deca Week 1-6?
Tren Week 1-6?
AI - Arimidex ran throughout cycle
Also running Caber
PCT - Clomid/Nolva
Thoughts? Been training 6 Years ran a cycle a while back. Started lifting when i was 20 and 260lbs 38%bf, since then beefed up alot and been wanting to cycle again for 3-4 years and decided to go for it. Not sure exactly which of the Tren/Deca i should use or both? And how long, never ran those Just Test E Dbol and Winnie a while back when i didnt know much.

[quote]FJ58 wrote:
Stats: 5’9, 205lbs, 9-10%bf
Proposed Cycle: Dbol Wk 1-4
Test E week 1-10
Deca Week 1-6?
Tren Week 1-6?
AI - Arimidex ran throughout cycle
Also running Caber
PCT - Clomid/Nolva
Thoughts? Been training 6 Years ran a cycle a while back. Started lifting when i was 20 and 260lbs 38%bf, since then beefed up alot and been wanting to cycle again for 3-4 years and decided to go for it. Not sure exactly which of the Tren/Deca i should use or both? And how long, never ran those Just Test E Dbol and Winnie a while back when i didnt know much.[/quote]

Let me help you get help; DOSAGES?

6 weeks of Deca’s a bit silly unless you’re running a ludicrous dose. Run the deca the full 12 weeks, extend the test by a week or two and run the tren the last 6 weeks. That’d be a spicy fucking cycle!

oh, and please for the love of god tell me you’re not still 38% bodyfat?

No, I am currently 9% bf as of this morning. Dosages; 500mg Test, 30Mg Dbol ED, 250Mg Tren, 250Mg Deca. So your saying run Deca throughout the cycle? Out of those what would be the ideal 10-12 week cycle? I have all at my disposal now, just deciding on which to use, going to start June 1st

[quote]FJ58 wrote:
No, I am currently 9% bf as of this morning. Dosages; 500mg Test, 30Mg Dbol ED, 250Mg Tren, 250Mg Deca. So your saying run Deca throughout the cycle? Out of those what would be the ideal 10-12 week cycle? I have all at my disposal now, just deciding on which to use, going to start June 1st[/quote]
9% is lean. Make sure you eat enough and have at it. Let us know how it goes, ok?

Yes i will for sure! Starting tomorrow hopefully the gains will come quickly!

SO 500mg Test E weeks 1-10, 50mg Dbol Weeks 1-6, 300Mg Deca weeks 1-10, 250mg tren weeks 1-6 or 4-10 (Not sure which is better, input?) Caber .25mg 2x a week