This Will Turn Your Stomach

Not graphic, just sick. It is frightening to know people like this exist.,2933,258671,00.html

[quote]PGJ wrote:
Not graphic, just sick. It is frightening to know people like this exist.,2933,258671,00.html[/quote]

Sacks of shit much? ugh

I’m sorry, but I opened the link, saw the title, and closed the window without reading the article. Some days it’s just too much for me to read/hear another pedophile related story.

[quote]malonetd wrote:
I’m sorry, but I opened the link, saw the title, and closed the window without reading the article. Some days it’s just too much for me to read/hear another pedophile related story.[/quote]

Maybe you should have?

So there really was NO 5 year old girl involved right?

[quote]analog_kid wrote:
So there really was NO 5 year old girl involved right?


No, no girl was involved but the sick mother fucking couple went there with the intention of having sex with a 5 year old.

They’re a disease to the world and should be killed as soon as possible.

[quote]analog_kid wrote:

So there really was NO 5 year old girl involved right?


Thank God.

This makes me feel better about paying taxes.

[quote]PGA wrote:
analog_kid wrote:
So there really was NO 5 year old girl involved right?

No, no girl was involved but the sick mother fucking couple went there with the intention of having sex with a 5 year old.

They’re a disease to the world and should be killed as soon as possible.[/quote]

I couldn’t agree with you more.

[quote]Brant_Drake wrote:
analog_kid wrote:

So there really was NO 5 year old girl involved right?

Thank God.

This makes me feel better about paying taxes.[/quote]

Great point. I sometimes have problems with the way law enforcement conducts its business but they clearly are doing things right in this case.

God bless the officer who was able to put up with talking to those people and pretending to get along with them for so long

This is when capital punishment is an absolute MUST.

[quote]evansmi wrote:
God bless the officer who was able to put up with talking to those people and pretending to get along with them for so long[/quote]

That’s EXECTLY what I was thinking. I can’t imagine having to pull duty like that. My hand was shaking as I read the story, it was so upsetting. It is deeply disturbing that there are people like this. I don’t think this was the first or even second time this evil couple had done something like this. I hope the couple resisted arrest so that the undercover cop got a chance to knock some heads.

Capital punishment makes so much sense- it seems that our punishment system all to often gives the criminal so much more than they deserve in such heinous crimes. I don’t even think they should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment- is it inhumane? Yes… is it just? Nothing can ever change what has happened, but the sickos can certainly stand to reap some of their pain.

[quote]ailax12 wrote:
Capital punishment makes so much sense- it seems that our punishment system all to often gives the criminal so much more than they deserve in such heinous crimes. I don’t even think they should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment- is it inhumane? Yes… is it just? Nothing can ever change what has happened, but the sickos can certainly stand to reap some of their pain.[/quote]

Inhumane crimes such as this deserve inhumane punishments such as Capital punishment.

That’s the thing…There are many, many sick fucks out there. More than we even have a clue about.

My question is…what is the real, realistic solution to a problem like this? Capital punishment is fine but that only applies to a person after they’ve already ruined a young child’s life. What’s the answer to solving this problem?

[quote]PGJ wrote:
evansmi wrote:
God bless the officer who was able to put up with talking to those people and pretending to get along with them for so long

That’s EXECTLY what I was thinking. I can’t imagine having to pull duty like that. My hand was shaking as I read the story, it was so upsetting. It is deeply disturbing that there are people like this. I don’t think this was the first or even second time this evil couple had done something like this. I hope the couple resisted arrest so that the undercover cop got a chance to knock some heads.


My junior year in high school, the senior class had their graduation interrupted by a bunch of minions of Fred Phelps (some gay-bashing minister who goes to gay funerals with “God Hates Fags” signs).

They stood outside the school grounds with their signs, protesting our gay tolerant school. They were surrounded by gates and no less than twenty cops, who had to protect these sickos and make sure they didn’t get beaten to death.

The people were preaching a load of garbage in a place where everyone wanted them to go away, and I have to imagine that at least half the cops in Brookline, Massachusetts wanted those creeps to get what they had coming as badly as the people they were defending against. That’s when it really occurred to me that upholding safety and civility truly is to take one for the team.

[quote]dre wrote:
PGA wrote:
analog_kid wrote:
So there really was NO 5 year old girl involved right?

No, no girl was involved but the sick mother fucking couple went there with the intention of having sex with a 5 year old.

They’re a disease to the world and should be killed as soon as possible.

I couldn’t agree with you more.[/quote]

Word. Up.

[quote]ailax12 wrote:
Capital punishment makes so much sense- it seems that our punishment system all to often gives the criminal so much more than they deserve in such heinous crimes. I don’t even think they should be spared from cruel and unusual punishment- is it inhumane? Yes… is it just? Nothing can ever change what has happened, but the sickos can certainly stand to reap some of their pain.[/quote]

Pedophiles and certain sex offenders have a very high rate of recidivism. Many think it’s impossible for them to be cured. One study put the rate at 46%, but they also stated that didn’t mean the other 50+% didn’t commit a crime. they just weren’t caught.

Thoso people need to be in jail… for a long time. Or be caned. Coming from an asian background, this has merit with me.

On another note, did anyone else notice the 9/11 mastermind to resemble Ron Jeremy??

[quote]BlaZe wrote:
In another note, did anyone else notice the 9/11 mastermind to resemble Ron Jeremy??[/quote]

Whole new thread.