[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:
[quote]Cortes wrote:
[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:
Hats off to Cortes!
Best piece of advice I have read on this forum for a long time.
I totally agree with the ED and getting harder and harder to recover although for me it seems as though recovery has stalled as quick as my third cycle (first involving Tren).
I probably will not mess with my HPTA now till I have had children and I am sure I dont need my natural test anymore, which will probable be in 15-20 years from now. My last experience was so bad its shitted me to this point, and freezing sperm is just out of the question. I dont need steroids that bad to go as far as freezing sperm. [/quote]
EXACTLY what I was alluding to above. Excellent post.
I started when I was just thirtyish, before ever having any children. Luckily, I was able to conceive shortly after that, but I am SO SO SO SOOOOO glad that I did not start using AAS until just before my wife and I had our son, because being a father kicks the living shit out all the AAS, GH, GHRP, IGF-1, and whatever the hell else you selfishly use to “improve” yourself. I would bet my left nut (haha) that 99% of the men who are privileged to have become fathers here would whole-heartedly agree with me on this.
Being a huge badass is badass, but it is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the true badassedness of being a dad.
Ok, off the soapbox,
69th, FG has you covered as to the rest of your questions. Pay attention to his advice. It’s good stuff.
For clarity’s sake:
AI on cycle.
SERM post cycle.
Include caber when using 19-nors like tren and deca.
T3 is probably overkill if you are not competing, imo, but if you are going to go all in, well, you probably will anyway. I always do. That’s not advice, but it is what tends to happen around here, isn’t it?
Im sure fatherhood is as spectacular as you say
Besides its not fair on my girl who is so looking forward to having kids if I mess it up because of my own selfish needs.
I hope I have not damaged myself beyond fatherhood at this time and also cannot wait till after being a parent to jump on some nice cycles :)[/quote]
Smart man. How old are you?
There ARE ways to recover enough natural test to restart production of sperm to the point that one can again conceive, even after many years of non-stop AAS use (that is, NOT cycling, just staying on all the time). However, playing dice with your balls is not the best idea if you do not already have low test, are not in this professionally, and if there is even the slightest possibility of your wanting to have children in the future.