No matter how perfect you think you are, there’s at least a thing or two you hate about yourself.
I hate that I’m so impatient sometimes, that when I click to watch an internet video, if there’s a commercial on first, I just quit my browser and forget the whole thing.
That I am a referee, I end up having to referee people in work and my private life.
I hate the fact that I 1. feel the need to help two party’s settle a disagreement and 2. that people always feel the need to drag my ass into these situations.
crooked nose, it was either broke at some point or I have a deviated septum, but it wasn’t like that when I was little.
flat feet (this is the worst)
my teeth. From genetics and poor diet growing up along with not flossing for most of my life I had a ton of cavities. My wife on the other hand didn’t go to the dentist for like 10 yrs, and no cavities, WTF…
Okay genius you better be making millions, have multi patents and being a rocket scientist. [/quote]
Well one of them. How about dropping fucking and leaving so smart then?
And I know what you do. Sometimes you just have to let shit bleed itself out though right?
Okay genius you better be making millions, have multi patents and being a rocket scientist. [/quote]
Well one of them. How about dropping fucking and leaving so smart then?
And I know what you do. Sometimes you just have to let shit bleed itself out though right?[/quote]
Lol yea “fucking” is a strong word, puts you at genius level.
I used to do trauma and have seen many, many dead people bleed out and yes sometimes you do.
Okay genius you better be making millions, have multi patents and being a rocket scientist. [/quote]
Well one of them. How about dropping fucking and leaving so smart then?
And I know what you do. Sometimes you just have to let shit bleed itself out though right?[/quote]
Lol yea “fucking” is a strong word, puts you at genius level.
I used to do trauma and have seen many, many dead people bleed out and yes sometimes you do.[/quote]
How would you describe an evil genius then?
That I can completely put off a problem or something that requires attention pretty soon and not worry about it. Maybe if I worried about it, I might actually go do it.
[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
That I can completely put off a problem or something that requires attention pretty soon and not worry about it. Maybe if I worried about it, I might actually go do it. [/quote]