Things You Hate About Yourself

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Can we stay on topic, gentlemen?

ID’s gettin’ upset!!![/quote]

Have some patience…wait

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Can we stay on topic, gentlemen?

ID’s gettin’ upset!!![/quote]

Have some patience…wait[/quote]

Touche, my friend.

Serenity now!

I wish I was 6’7.

Unfortunately I’m a 6’0 manlet


[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Can we stay on topic, gentlemen?

ID’s gettin’ upset!!![/quote]

Have some patience…wait[/quote]

Touche, my friend.

Serenity now![/quote]

[quote]Derek542 wrote:

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Can we stay on topic, gentlemen?

ID’s gettin’ upset!!![/quote]

Have some patience…wait[/quote]
I genuinly lol’d

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

[quote]Swolegasm wrote:
That I can completely put off a problem or something that requires attention pretty soon and not worry about it. Maybe if I worried about it, I might actually go do it. [/quote]

Hell, that’s a goddam virtue, Swole![/quote]

I have that same problem. I wish it were a virtue.

As soon as I remember it, I immediately jump into crisis mode, even if I’m someplace I can’t do anything about it. Of course, a minute later I forget about it again. Wreaks havoc on the CNS.

I’m a big fat overly-sensitive insecure pussy = no success with women.

So I lift things up and I put them down.

I’m shitty at math.
Can’t draw for shit.
Too self critical.
Weak snapshot.

I am an enabler and I cannot say no.
Lost 15 years of my life that way…

my beard is mostly blonde and red which looks really weird.
I have a bad temper.
I have a strong dislike for the general public.
I tend to be cynical.

I cant take anything for face value.
I spend too much money.
Im too cynical.
Im very unhandy.
I care at times too much what people think.
I obsess over the negative.
I can make impulsive decisions.


schizophrenia. I really fucking hate that. Even though I’m stable just being diagnosed and having a history of treatment really limits my career options.

tendency to lose my temper.

I think about work WAY too much; to the point of not being able to focus on other activities. I get tunnel vision very easy.

If I make a mistake at work, i’ll dwell on it until I talk to my manager about it. More often than not, it’s not as big a deal as I thought it was.


My inconsitency on being able to articulate my thoughts the way I want to, when I want to. On those off days I just grunt or send emails.

To be continued…

I care too much what people think about me.

I will stutter randomly, whether its a stressful situation or not.

Im very judgmental. Once you walk in the room, youre judged. Im trying to control that one.

Oh, I hate that I can’t actually enjoy anything that I finish drawing/sketch. I enjoy the process of drawing…but not finishing. It’s the main reason I haven’t done it in a while.

I hate that I frequently lose my shit while driving.

My penis is too small.

[quote]paulwhite959 wrote:
schizophrenia. I really fucking hate that. Even though I’m stable just being diagnosed and having a history of treatment really limits my career options.

tendency to lose my temper.[/quote]

Bipolar disorder. A lot of the shitty decisions I’m paying for now were made when manic or depressed. It makes it hard to tell what is character flaw and what is disease.

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:
I tend to resolve disputes with violence.

Same here. This has cost me dearly in many ways.[/quote]

X 3. The part that I really don’t like is that people seem to dial in on that even though I haven’t acted out in quite a while.

It definitely puts a damper on things.

The nail on my thumb.

I slammed it in a car door when I was 8 and I grows weird now.

That’s it.