In your opinion are these OK to eat or should be avoided. My current goals are
- Build strength
- Increase size
- Slow fat loss
Protein Bars
Soy Milk - I mix with whey protein
Kashi bars
dried fruit
Club multigrain crackers
In your opinion are these OK to eat or should be avoided. My current goals are
Protein Bars
Soy Milk - I mix with whey protein
Kashi bars
dried fruit
Club multigrain crackers
[quote]Razorslim wrote:
In your opinion are these OK to eat or should be avoided. My current goals are
Protein Bars
Soy Milk - I mix with whey protein
Kashi bars
dried fruit
Club multigrain crackers[/quote]
If you have been here for even one day you should understand the sentiment towards soy on this forum. Beyond that, I truly want to understand why someone who is working on gaining thinks anything like what you just listed should be avoided.
You work on cleaning up your diet until it sparkles when DIETING. I doubt most of the people who act like they never have a cheat day are making as much progress as they would like people to believe when it comes to GAINING muscular body weight.
These are just snacks except the soy milk which I use diluted by 1/2 with water for protein shake
I haven’t really read much about Soy milk. Is it that bad? Should I just use water or low fat milk?
[quote]Razorslim wrote:
These are just snacks except the soy milk which I use diluted by 1/2 with water for protein shake
I haven’t really read much about Soy milk. Is it that bad? Should I just use water or low fat milk?[/quote]
I know a guy I train with who can’t eat any milk or egg products without getting an allergic response. Because of that, he can’t eat any whey products either. He HAS to eat soy…and he looks better than most of the people on this forum. I personally don’t villainize soy products to the degree that many here do. However, since I definitely don’t HAVE to drink or eat it and it is easily avoidable, I stay away from it for the off chance that there is some cumulative estrogenic effect from even eating minor sources of it.
No one can tell you what YOU definitely SHOULD be doing. Your goal is to educate yourself and find out what works for you.
Past that, again I wonder why someone working on gaining would even allow it to creep into their minds that any of the foods you listed should be avoided (aside from what we just discussed). You don’t get an award being an excessive “health nut”. You do what produces results and if that means ground beef, then have at it.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
I know a guy I train with who can’t eat any milk or egg products without getting an allergic response. Because of that, he can’t eat any whey products either. He HAS to eat soy…and he looks better than most of the people on this forum. I personally don’t villainize soy products to the degree that many here do. However, since I definitely don’t HAVE to drink or eat it and it is easily avoidable, I stay away from it for the off chance that there is some cumulative estrogenic effect from even eating minor sources of it. [/quote]
Exactly great post while much of the evidence say stay away from the crap the jury is still out, but its for sure enough for me to steer clear of it good thing I dont have to eat it.
If you enjoy soy bean tofu etc for some odd reason have it from time to time I would Not make it a staple.
No one can tell you what YOU definitely SHOULD be doing. Your goal is to educate yourself and find out what works for you.
Past that, again I wonder why someone working on gaining would even allow it to creep into their minds that any of the foods you listed should be avoided (aside from what we just discussed). You don’t get an award being an excessive “health nut”. You do what produces results and if that means ground beef, then have at it.[/quote]
amen big difference in basing ones diet on krispy creams and frozen lattes and having a hamburger, steak, the occasional peice of junk etc.