Now that I have gotten serious about building up my wheels, my damn thighs are rubbing like crazy! I even got a rash from the eliptical machine (cardio) part of my workout.
I tried the boxer briefs, which helped a little but not really. Any suggestions?
This may sound stupid, but it happens to me a lot. Especially in the summer. Once you get some good size to your legs I think it’s unavoidable. I’ve heard of lots of different solutions (all wierd though).
you can treat the rash with anything that’s used on diaper rash for baby’s (I have a daughter that’s how I found out)
I know guys that have used everything from vasoline to lube between there legs(preventitive measure)
[quote]burntfrenchfry wrote:
On the track team, a lot of us use this stuff called “Body Glide.” Not sure where to get it, but it’s worth a quick look for.[/quote]
totally agree, you can find body glide at your local running store, its great stuff and you don’t need anything else.
Any type of lycra undershort will work. I picked up about 8 pairs of cheapo ones from a running shop and use them for everything i do that is gym or sport related, they really do the job to prevent rubbing thighs, plus the “support” is good and there is absolutely no danger of ball escapage while laying on the bench press.
Make sure they are wicking. I tried some long cotton boxer briefs but they got sodden with sweat and rubbed like a mofo. Go with the wicking lycra style.