Thermogenics And anti-depressants

Does anyone know of any thermogenics that are safe to take with anti-depressants particluarly Wellbutrin. A lot of thernogenics say to not take with an MAOI inhibitor and i have no ide what that is. Someone help me.

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that is found in many parts of the body. In the brain, monoamine oxidase destroys neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine and serotonin. So MAO inhibitors, by limiting the activity of monoamine oxidase, block the breakdown of those neurotransmitters. They work more quickly than the tricyclics, but they have more severe side effects and require a change in diet.

I am not a Dr. ( though I am really cool) I really cannot say that anything will or will not effect you while on your medication. However, some of these products inwhich you speak do contain 5htp (hotrox for example) which helps calm urges via helping raise seritonin levels can cause hyperpyrexic crisis (serotonin syndrome); blood-pressure elevations; disorientation, memory impairment, and other neurologic changes … however things such as Caffeine is probably safe in moderate amounts, however large doses will cause highblood pressure, anxiety etc.

However however, after all of that… wellbutrin is not an MAOI… so… errr

how the hell do you know that? are you really into researching supplements and stuff?


meh… i have no life…so… yes I do read up too much.

jake, I replied on your other thread. Do NOT take any stimulants with Wellbutrin. Do not drink any alcohol. And Wellbutrin is not a MAO inhibitor. But it is a potent, dangerous drug. You can learn an awful lot in a few minutes thanks to Google.

Andersons…what happens when i drink on Wellbutrin?

Personal Experience. Don’t use Nasal Decongestant Spray, MAOI, and Stacker 3. I spent 1.5 to 2 hours on the couch 2 yrs ago beleiving I was going to have A-FUCKING Cadiac moment. Scared the shit out of me. I now read every label. Don’t just read to now. Read and understand how each element can react with one another. Take the advise and expertise knowledge provided in this forum and research everthing you plan to put into your body, first. Do it for your health, body, and the people who care about you.

I believe if I wasn’t doing cadio 5-7 days a wk this combination might have killed me.

Alcohol with Wellbutrin increases the risk of seizures. Wellbutrin alone carries a four times the risk of seizures compared to other anti-depressant drugs.

Alcohol also stresses the liver, which is already stressed from the Wellbutrin, which requires extensive metabolization by the liver. Patients taking Wellbutrin should not drink any alcohol or take any other drugs, OTC or prescription, without a doctor’s careful supervision. In terms of OTC drugs I would include most supplements, such as Hot-Rox.

I’m going to reiterate that Wellbutrin is not a safe drug. A large number of people in controlled clinical trials are forced to stop taking it because of the dangerous “side” effects. The side effects of seizures, suicide, and psychotic violent behavior could literally kill you.

how about effexor