This is to the guy who started a thread calld I HATE TRAINERS… I’ll make this short and sweet.
Every Job or Career has People who are great or suck at what they do. Cops, Firemen, Teachers, etc… You’ve got to weed out the good from the bad.
Ignore the bad business men and do your thing. Their Lack of experience or knowledge will be the death or his/her career anyway.
I’m a speed / strenth coach in Atlanta. Thank God for Bad Trainers!! They make me look even better and bring me more business because of the lack of knowledge they have. Bull-Shiting only gets you so far.
Go the gym and lifts some damn weights. Play some Slayer or something… Ignore the dumbasses in the gym.
Just cause they don’t write for a magazine doesn’t mean they all suck.
Just because you read T-mag or thumbed through siff or Zatsiorkies writing, or whatever does not necessarily mean you are smarter or more informed than they are.
Some of them are genuine smarty pants types. T-mags very own contributor Eric Cressey, big shot T-mag writer, was until fairly recently a trainer at a local chain gym. Imagine the dumb luck of signing up and getting him as the guy doing your eval and setting up your training…
[quote]tgatl wrote:
This is to the guy who started a thread calld I HATE TRAINERS… I’ll make this short and sweet.
Every Job or Career has People who are great or suck at what they do. Cops, Firemen, Teachers, etc… You’ve got to weed out the good from the bad.
Ignore the bad business men and do your thing. Their Lack of experience or knowledge will be the death or his/her career anyway.
I’m a speed / strenth coach in Atlanta. Thank God for Bad Trainers!! They make me look even better and bring me more business because of the lack of knowledge they have. Bull-Shiting only gets you so far.
Go the gym and lifts some damn weights. Play some Slayer or something… Ignore the dumbasses in the gym.